Every day, Beethoven made himself a coffee out of 60 coffee beans, while Voltaire drank up to 50 cups a day and lived to be 83. So maybe coffee addiction isn’t so bad after all?

We discovered 6 reasons why you might want a cup of coffee now.

Health Benefits of Coffee

6. Better Brain Performance

6 Good Health Reasons That Will Make You Want to Grab Yourself a Cup
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It’s no secret that coffee increases attention, alertness, and concentration, but that’s not all.

Coffee with added sugar can make you a little genius for a while because the combination of caffeine and glucose activates certain sectors of the brain.

However, never drink coffee on an empty stomach, as this will do the opposite.

5. Increased Blood Pressure

6 Good Health Reasons That Will Make You Want to Grab Yourself a Cup
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A small cup of coffee can battle a hypotensive episode, a situation in which your blood pressure is very low.

But it is not recommended for people who show signs of tachycardia and have a high pulse at rest after drinking coffee.

Hypertensive patients, on the other hand, can drink as the body adjusts and stop reacting by increasing blood pressure after a while.

4. Stronger Immune System

6 Good Health Reasons That Will Make You Want to Grab Yourself a Cup
© Bonnie / flickr

According to scientists from several countries, coffee reduces the risk of premature death. The more cups of coffee you drink each day, the lower the risk.

This is because coffee disrupts the immune system, making it stronger and healthier. It also improves the liver, heart, and digestive system.

Still, try to limit yourself to freshly ground, natural coffee – instant coffee contains fewer nutrients and more chemical additives, which damage your digestive organs.

3. Reduced Stress And Depression

6 Good Health Reasons That Will Make You Want to Grab Yourself a Cup
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Coffee works well as an anti-stress substance due to the release of dopamine and serotonin, which “trigger” a good mood.

A cup, or even just the smell of coffee, can calm your nerves. Additionally, caffeine is one of the most common stimulators of the central nervous system (CNS), and its constant stimulation is what keeps depression under control.

Interestingly, only the caffeine in coffee has this effect, unlike the caffeine found in tea, soda, or chocolate, which do not stimulate the CNS as effectively.

2. Better Memory

6 Good Health Reasons That Will Make You Want to Grab Yourself a Cup
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The stimulators and neuromediators obtained from coffee not only increase mood and productivity but also improve memory.

Of course, this only works with your short-term memory. But this is good enough because all information is initially stored as short-term memory, and only an hour later it enters our long-term memory under certain circumstances.

1. Lower Weight

6 Good Health Reasons That Will Make You Want to Grab Yourself a Cup
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Finally, your dreams of losing weight can come true. Coffee can prevent and help you lose excess weight.

When the level of the hormone leptin is low, your body begins to store fat and gain weight.

Coffee, however, increases the levels of hormones in your body. That is why coffee addicts take longer to gain weight and exercise gives them more results.

Preview photo credit pixabaypixabay

Source: crfatsides

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