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Marriage And Beyond

oi-Prerna Aditi

on July 4, 2020

Marriage no doubt changes one’s life and brings a completely new experience. Once you get married, you get two sets of families and numerous relatives. Moreover, now you are supposed to share your life with the person you have married. The thought of getting married may excite you. It may seem quite fascinating as you will be having your loved ones around you donned in their best clothes and enjoying the ceremony in a festive mood.

But no sooner reality hits you. The wedding preparations and celebration may not give you enough time to think how your first day after the marriage would look like. If you are thinking it will be the same as your wedding day, then scroll down this article to read what happens one the first day after your wedding.


1. You Wake Up Next To Your Spouse

This is the first thing that happens on the day after your wedding. Even if you had a great wedding night with your spouse or had love or arranged marriage, you may find it weird to wake up next to someone. The reason behind this could be that you never woke up next to him/her. Though you may find it a bit special, you may wonder whether your spouse noticed you drooling or sleeping in a weird posture.


2. You Are In A House Full Of Guests

Weddings in India are no less than a rich celebration that goes for more than a week. And this is why you may find your house full of guests and relatives. They may try to tease you in a platonic way. You are not only supposed to not only behave in a polite manner but also to dress up nicely and wear a smile all the time. In addition to this, you may have to deal with the guests on your own as your spouse may be busy with other things.


3. You Are Supposed To Take Part In Rituals

The next day after the wedding is all about rituals and traditions. You might have thought that the rituals would end after the wedding but this is not the truth. Every religion and family have some set of rituals that need to be performed after the wedding. So, the first day will be a busy one and you can’t do anything about it.


4. You May Miss Your Parents And Home

If you are a woman, then it is likely that you will be moving to your in-laws’ house after your marriage. This can make you miss your family and parent’s house on the next day of your marriage. You may miss your bedroom, bathroom, drawing room, siblings, pets and much more. Even if you try your best to get used to your new family and house, there can be times when you may miss them.


5. You Get To Know Your New Family

The next day of your family will give you a good time to know your new family and relatives. You will be introduced to many of them. You may have heard many things about your in-laws and relatives, but now you will get to know them firsthand. Since now you are a part of this new family, you will be expected to blend with it. Initially, you may face some problems in getting used to your new family, but things will eventually get better.


6. You Are Supposed To Unpack Amidst The Guests

Being a woman you will be moving to your in-laws’ house and it is quite obvious that you will be carrying your luggage as well. For most of us, unpacking is a tedious job. Even if you are excited to unpack the gifts and your bag full of clothes, you may find it weird to do the same in front of your in-laws and guests. You won’t be able to deny when your mother-in-law asks you to unpack your things and the gifts that you have brought with you.


7. You Start To Know Your Spouse

After the wedding is over and you finally get some time with your spouse, you can utilise it to know him/her. Both of you will try to make each other feel comfortable and loved. However, you may not get enough time to spend with each other once you step out of your room. But still, you may find your spouse stealing glances at you and passing you that adorable smile.

A happy and successful marriage is not a thing that happens in a day. Things may seem a bit tougher to you during your initial days after the wedding. But with the constant support of your spouse and patience, you can make things better for both of you.


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Story first published: Saturday, July 4, 2020, 17:00 [IST]

Source: boldsky blog