Real talk: No one wants to deal with pesky fat rolls in the midsection. A noticeable, unwanted change as women head into their 30s and beyond is how easy it is to accumulate more body fat, specifically in the belly region. Especially as women wrap up menopause, gaining extra inches around the waistline can be an incredibly common frustration, the Mayo Clinic explains. So what’s a gal to do? By adapting the right lifestyle tweaks to your routine—and being consistent with them—you can get back on the right track and snap back to a tighter, more toned tummy. Eat This, Not That! did the hard work for you and found out some of the easiest ways for women to lose belly fat, according to science.

If you’re ready to lose belly fat and reveal a much healthier body, keep reading to learn more. And when you’re finished, be sure to check out these 10 Best Superfood Snacks to Strip Away Belly Fat.

woman reading bread labelwoman reading bread label

It’s easy to get into the routine of simply adding anything to your shopping cart. We get it—you’re busy and have things to do, places to be, and people to see! But do yourself a favor and carve out extra time when creating your shopping list and while you’re at the store so you make more informed choices about what you’re really eating. Learn how to properly read the Nutrition Facts Labels to ensure you’re putting the healthiest possible items into your body that support your weight loss efforts.

According to a study published in the Journal of Consumer Affairs, being mindful of the information on food labels can result in weight loss, specifically for middle-aged women. The research showed that individuals who look at food labels and don’t follow a fitness routine are more likely to lose weight than individuals who exercise but aren’t mindful of nutrition labels. By incorporating healthy exercise into the mix, along with reading food labels, individuals can boost their chances of shedding unwanted pounds and in turn, melting belly fat. Females aged 35 to 50 are more likely to pay attention to food labels compared to men, which means they have better chances of losing weight, the study revealed.

RELATED: 18 Daily Habits That Blast Belly Fat

healthy oatmeal bowl for breakfast to lose weight and gain musclehealthy oatmeal bowl for breakfast to lose weight and gain muscle

By adding more fiber to your meals, you can boost your chances of losing weight and stripping away unwanted belly fat. Research even backs this up! According to a study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, you can totally simplify your approach to weight loss—and be successful at it—by incorporating more fiber into your diet. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics notes that women should have the goal of consuming 25 grams of fiber daily.

Some examples of tasty, high-fiber snacks for weight loss include frozen chocolate-covered raspberries, avocado crackers, marinated artichoke hearts, and cut-up pear with cheese. Just be sure to drink plenty of water when consuming more fiber to ensure you stay regular!

RELATED: How To Get a Flat Belly in 30 Days

woman doing treadmill walkwoman doing treadmill walk

Adding more steps to your day is a healthy yet seamless way to trim unwanted body fat. Consider starting your days off by heading to the trails or a scenic spot for a brisk walk. You can also take your work calls from a walking pad or treadmill, get into the habit of parking further away from your errands (or walk to them, if you’re able to), and always opt for the stairs rather than the elevator or escalator.

Science shows just how beneficial walking can be when you’re trying to lose weight and get into shape. For example, a study published in the Journal of Exercise Nutrition & Biochemistry revealed that obese women who walked 50 to 70 minutes, three days a week, over a 12-week timeframe, decreased their waistline and overall body fat.

RELATED: 6 Flat-Belly Foods You Should Be Eating After 40

mediterranean diet conceptmediterranean diet concept

The idea of dieting may sound daunting at first, but giving the Mediterranean Diet a try is an excellent—not to mention, tasty!—idea. As a matter of fact, the MedDiet is the #1 weight loss plan of the year. This particular eating regimen consists of fresh fish, whole grains, nuts, olive oil, fruits, and veggies. It’s void of refined foods and added sugars and doesn’t contain much red meat. By sticking with the Mediterranean Diet, research shows that you can decrease your body weight, along with lowering your risk of certain cancers, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease. It’s an all-around healthier lifestyle choice.

RELATED: 5 Ways to Reduce Inflammation & Boost Weight Loss as You Age

woman restful sleep in bed, sleep habits to live longerwoman restful sleep in bed, sleep habits to live longer

Getting more restful sleep and stressing less can have a major impact on your weight loss progress. For example, according to research published in Nutrients, disruptions to one’s sleep can result in unhealthy snacking, particularly in foods that are high in both carbs and fat, which can lead to weight gain. One study in particular showed that better sleep quality and quantity boosted one’s chances of successful weight reduction by 33%.

In addition, lowering your stress level is the name of the game if you want to trim belly fat and achieve a healthier weight. (Being stressed out can even impact the way you sleep!) For quite some time, research has linked stress to changes in food intake, dietary preference, weight gain, and fat accumulation. Psychological stress is specifically associated with visceral fat gain, the dangerous type of belly fat that poses many health risks.

Finding effective ways to manage your stress such as yoga, meditation, journaling, practicing breathwork, reading, and even relaxing in a bubble bath can help calm your running mind and improve your sleep.

Alexa Mellardo

Alexa is the Mind + Body Deputy Editor of Eat This, Not That!, overseeing the M+B channel and delivering compelling fitness, wellness, and self-care topics to readers. Read more about Alexa

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