Many of us dream of a good night’s rest and a beautiful morning without the sound of an alarm. It seems that all we need is sleep, and life will instantly improve when we sleep as much as we want. However, the dream can change from our friend to our enemy if we allow ourselves to do so without limits.

We explain why sleeping too much has so many side effects, so maybe you need to reconsider.

Oversleeping Side Effects: Is Too Much Sleep Harmful?

You Might Feel Exhausted All The Time

What Might Happen to Your Body If You Sleep Too Much

Interestingly, getting a lot of sleep won’t make you feel refreshed and energized. On the contrary, you will feel fatigued and will not be willing to do anything.

The recommended amount of sleep is 7 to 9 hours for adults. If you sleep more than that, your brain becomes clouded and you can’t focus.

You Might Be Prone To Headache

What Might Happen to Your Body If You Sleep Too Much

This is a common sign of falling asleep, caused by failed neurotransmitters. Sleeping too often causes tension-type headaches. Also, if you snore, you are more likely to wake up with a headache. A survey has shown that 60% of snorers are prone to them.

Your Chronic Conditions Might Deteriorate

What Might Happen to Your Body If You Sleep Too Much

Sleeping too often aggravates chronic depression and other conditions like back pain. Also, if you tend to breathe at night (also known as sleep apnea), you may spend more time in bed due to poor quality of sleep.

As a result, heart disease can get worse.

You Might Feel Easily Irritable

What Might Happen to Your Body If You Sleep Too Much

Instead of feeling happy and energetic, you are more likely to wake up grumpy and moody. Waking up tired and realizing that you can’t be as productive as you’d like spoils your mood and makes you more irritable and angry.

You Might Age Prematurely

What Might Happen to Your Body If You Sleep Too Much

Not only does your face age faster, but so does your brain. It is estimated that the latter can age 2 years. Sleeping too much causes memory and concentration problems.

Also, sleeping too much slows down your metabolism and leads to weight gain.

As we all know, the older we are, the slower our metabolism.

How long do you sleep? How about sleeping too much?

Source: crfatsides

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