Disorders Cure

oi-Amritha K

on August 26, 2022

Actor Ajith Kumar urged people to protect their ears on Saturday. Through his manager Suresh Chandra, actor Ajith Kumar addressed his fans and followers with a message. In the post, he uploaded a definition of “Ringing in ears” to encourage his fans to take good care of their ears. Suresh Chandra pointed out that the actor conveyed the message by writing “Protect your ears” Unconditional love always – Ajith” as his caption.

What Is Tinnitus?

Tinnitus is a common condition that occurs when one or both ears experience ringing or other sounds. It can be described as the sensation of hearing sounds such as ringing, buzzing, hissing, chirping, whistling, or other sounds.

When you have tinnitus, the noise you hear is not the result of external sounds, and other people are usually unable to hear it. About 15 per cent to 20 per cent of people are affected by this disorder, which is particularly prevalent among the elderly [1].

What Causes Tinnitus?

There are usually underlying conditions that cause tinnitus, such as age-related hearing loss, an ear injury, or a problem with the circulatory system.

Rather than being a disease, tinnitus is a symptom of something wrong with the auditory system, which consists of the ears, the auditory nerve connecting the inner ear to the brain, and the parts of the brain that process sound. For example, tinnitus may be caused by something as simple as an earwax blockage of the ear canal [2].

Tinnitus is commonly caused by damage to the middle or inner ear. An eardrum injury or the tiny bones in the middle ear may also interfere with the proper transmission of sound. Tumours in the ear or the auditory nerve may also cause ear ringing.

Those who are exposed to extremely loud sounds regularly may develop tinnitus.

Listening to loud music through headphones or at a concert can also cause temporary tinnitus symptoms. In addition, people who use jackhammers, chainsaws, or other heavy equipment are more likely to have tinnitus.

Medications can also cause tinnitus and hearing damage, known as ototoxicity, in some individuals.

The common causes of tinnitus are as follows:

  • Meniere’s disease
  • Brain tumours
  • Hormonal changes (women)
  • Thyroid abnormalities
  • Noise-induced hearing loss
  • Ear and sinus infections
  • Diseases of the heart or blood vessels

What Are The Symptoms Of Tinnitus?

The most common symptom of tinnitus is a ringing in the ears, even though no external sound is present. However, tinnitus can also cause other types of phantom noises in the ears, such as the following [3]:

  • A buzzing sound
  • A clicking sound
  • A hissing noise
  • A humming sound

What Are The Complications Of Tinnitus?

The effects of tinnitus vary from person to person. However, tinnitus can significantly affect some people’s quality of life. If you suffer from tinnitus, you may also experience the following:

  • Tiredness
  • Stress
  • Problems with sleeping
  • Concentration problems
  • Problems with memory
  • Depression
  • Anxiety and irritability
  • Headaches
  • Problems with work and family life

When To See A Doctor?

Tinnitus is a problem for some people but can also cause problems for others. If your tinnitus interferes with your daily routine, see your doctor.

How Is Tinnitus Diagnosed?

Tinnitus is diagnosed by examining your ears and performing a hearing test. Audiologists will transmit sounds to one ear at a time through headphones so that you can respond visibly by raising your hand or making a similar gesture.

Tinnitus can be diagnosed by comparing what you hear with what people of your age and sex should be able to hear.

Imaging tests, such as CT or MRI scans, may also determine if you have deformities or damage to your ears [4].

How Is Tinnitus Treated?

There are several treatment options for tinnitus, depending on whether an underlying medical condition causes your symptoms. If so, your doctor may be able to reduce your symptoms by treating the underlying condition [5].

  • Removal of ear wax
  • Treatment of a blood vessel disorder
  • The use of hearing aids
  • Changing your medication

How To Prevent Tinnitus?

Most often, tinnitus cannot be treated; however, some people become accustomed to it and notice it less. For others, certain adjustments make the symptoms less bothersome. These preventive tips may help [6]:

  • Taking steps to protect your hearing will help prevent your tinnitus from worsening. Over time, exposure to loud sounds can damage the nerves in the ears, resulting in hearing loss and tinnitus. If you use chain saws, are a musician, work in an industry that uses loud machinery or use firearms (especially pistols or shotguns), you should always wear over-the-ear hearing protection.
  • If you are listening to music through headphones, reduce the volume. Listening to music at high volumes can lead to hearing loss and tinnitus.
  • If the tinnitus is particularly noticeable in quiet environments, try using a white noise machine to mask the noise. A fan, soft music, or low-volume radio static may also help.
  • You should limit your use of alcohol, caffeine, and nicotine. These substances, especially when consumed excessively, may affect your blood flow and contribute to tinnitus.


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