They say the “minimally invasive” procedure may prevent the need for knee replacements for millions with osteoarthritis as well as providing “significant” pain relief.

The degenerative condition is the most common cause of chronic joint disorders.

The World Health Organisation said knee osteoarthritis affects 365 million adults globally. Most therapies, such as pain medication and steroid injections, mask the symptoms of the disease and don’t slow progression. As it worsens and treatments become ineffective, many people turn to joint replacement surgery. Doctors say the procedure, called genicular artery embolisation, is a minimally invasive therapy.

Dr Florian Fleckenstein, of Charity University Hospital Berlin, said: “GAE has the potential to reduce the need for more invasive surgeries, lower health care costs and significantly improve the quality of life for countless individuals suffering from knee osteoarthritis.”

The findings were presented at the Chicago meeting of the Radiological Society of North America.

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