If you love chips, chances are you love Lay’s—the company is the leading potato chip brand in the United States, with about 4.27 billion U.S. dollars worth of sales in 2024, according to Statista.com. That’s a lot of chips! Lay’s offers a huge variety of flavors, including limited-edition and regional specialities, but which ones are the best? Chip fans on Reddit started a thread discussing just this question, and 7 chips were constantly mentioned as being the absolute best, no questions asked. Here are the 7 best Lay’s flavors ranked from least to all-time most favorite, according to fans.

Sour Cream and Onion


Coming in at number 7, many Lay’s fans stridently defend the Sour Cream and Onion flavor as unbeatable. “Sour Cream and Onion Lays is the best chip in the world. I will die on this hill and argue with every single reply,” one passionate Redditor said. “My two favs are Wavy Cheddar and Sour Cream,” another commented.



Chips fans are obsessed with the BBQ Lay’s (which happens to be my own favorite, it’s so good!). “If I’m eating Lays, I do feel they make the best BBQ chip,” one fan said. “For me it’s a toss up between Dill Pickle and BBQ,” another agreed. Special mention is given to the Wavy Hickory Barbecue flavor.

I Tried 10 Different Plain Potato Chips & Only One Had Perfect Texture and Seasoning

Classic Lay’s


You can’t beat the original classic Lay’s flavor, coming in at number 5. “Original or Sour Cream and onion,” one Redditor said. The Lay’s Classic Lightly Salted is also mentioned as a favorite flavor for discerning chip-lovers. “Lightly salted unless Poppables count,” one person commented.



Shoppers really, really love the Ketchup flavor Lay’s. “Ketchup is my #1, then Dill Pickle,” one fan said. “Ketchup. It’s THE best ketchup, despite what some blasphemers say,” another raved.  “Ketchup, All Dressed and plain are my go to,” another agreed.

Fries’n Gravy

Order Exotic Snacks

Lucky Canadians get to enjoy the Fries’n Gravy flavor Lay’s (which apparently tastes like roast chicken) coming in hot at number 3. “Fries’n Gravy, which is only sporadically available in my region, but is a regular flavour in Atlantic Canada,” one Redditor said. “Are they just a NB/NS thing? I’d be several pounds heavier if they were regularly available in ON. Every now and then they bring them out here for a season and I just go nuts,” a Canadian Redditor said.

Dill Pickle


Dill Pickle comes in at number 2, with shoppers raving about the addictive flavor. “Dill is#1 but have you ever mixed 50% ketchup and 50% salt and vinegar?” one creative Redditor suggested. “Dill pickle is goat,” another confirmed. “Dill chips! Very hard to get outside of Sweden,” one commenter said.

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Salt and Vinegar


Lay’s Salt and Vinegar, both regular and wavy, are the best, fans say—although Dill Pickles comes in pretty close. “Salt and Vinegar yum,” one said. “I love the wavy SnV :’)),” another commented (more than one fan mentioned the Wavy Salt and Vinegar specifically). “That’s my second favourite,” one Dill Pickle lover said.

Ferozan Mast

Ferozan Mast is a science, health and wellness writer with a passion for making science and research-backed information accessible to a general audience. Read more about Ferozan
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