As we age, we start to lose muscle, bone density, and balance, so strength training helps preserve muscle, mobility, stability, and functional movement for a good quality of life and reduces the risk of injury if you fall. The seven functional movement patterns you should focus on include hinging, squatting, pulling, pushing, lunging, carrying, and rotation. As an avid rucker, I always recommend throwing on a rucksack or weight vest to amplify low-impact cardio, like walking, but you can also utilize these tools to hit all seven movement patterns.
To help continue an active lifestyle as we get older, incorporating the following 10 exercises can increase your strength, endurance, and stamina. Don’t forget to engage your core!

Rucking amplifies low-impact cardio. If you add a small amount of weight in a backpack or rucksack while you walk, you’re increasing your cardiovascular health while maintaining muscle mass and bone density. In some cases, dependent on the intensity and weight, some people find they actually increase their muscle mass.
Walking Lunges

Walking lunges work your lower body from the glutes and quads to your calf muscles. Most people are working desk jobs or sitting for long periods at a time and so this is a great compound movement that hits multiple muscle groups. It also helps to improve balance.
Lunge Twist

This is another exercise that will work multiple muscle groups, including your core, as you twist over your bent knee and assist in improving balance. You can even pair this movement with walking lunges and rotate with each step, making sure your core is engaged. Try not to hunch your back, and keep a “proud” open chest with your shoulders back.
Farmers Carry

This exercise will improve grip strength while strengthening the entire body. Walking with weights in your hands is essentially very safe and accessible for all.

Deadlifts will develop muscle that is needed for performing daily activities. Strengthening the legs, core, and back and helping improve posture.
Overhead Press

Improves upper body strength, stability, and balance. Strengthening the shoulder, triceps, and core muscles.

The squat is a no-brainer! We need to sit and stand daily, to get in and out of a car, get in and out of bed and use the restroom are just a few examples. Doing squats regularly will help you maintain and build strength in your legs and glutes while continually keeping the mobility necessary to perform a squat.

The plank is a great full-body exercise that requires very little technique—strengthening the core, including the lower back, upper body, and lower body.
Bent Over Row

This is a great compound exercise that targets multiple muscle groups in the back. When done correctly, it also strengthens the core and biceps and can assist in alleviating lower back pain.
Chest Press

This exercise is key in strengthening your chest and arms which can be very beneficial in everyday life, improving pushing movements. It can also be beneficial for sports like swimming and tennis. A big plus is this exercise will build strength to push yourself up from the floor if you fall!