Black babies stillborn at almost twice rate of white babies, ONS figures show

Campaigners call for greater research into why there are such stark variations in England and Wales

A pregnant woman has an ultrasound scan

The stillbirth rate of black babies in England and Wales is almost twice that of white babies, with families from mixed and multiple ethnic groups registering the highest increase in stillbirths, figures show.

The death rate of black babies before or during delivery continues to be the highest, with 6.9 stillbirths per 1,000 births registered in 2021, compared with 3.6 per 1,000 white babies, according to data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS).

The figures have renewed calls for research into the stark variations between groups, with campaigners warning little is known about the reasons. The disparities increase the urgency for more targeted support, they said.

Graph of stillbirths in England and Wales

The overall stillbirth rate had been declining since 2007 but increased in 2021 compared with the previous year for every category except the Asian group. Those from mixed or multiple ethnic groups registered the highest rise.

In September 2021, NHS England promised to improve health outcomes for mothers and babies from black, Asian and mixed ethnic groups, and those living in the most deprived areas. While campaigners have welcomed this intervention, there is still significant progress to be made.

The ONS data also shows black women have the highest proportion of pre-term births, babies born before the 37th week of pregnancy.

Tinuke Awe, the co-founder of Five X More, a campaign group to improve black maternal health, said the figures were not a surprise. “We know that these numbers have been higher for black women and their babies for decades now, that’s why it’s not a surprise to us. The data has been there for a while. It’s just a shame that it’s going up instead of going down.”

Clotilde Rebecca Abe, also a co-founder of Five X More, said the figures highlighted that little was known about the causes of the disparities. “We need to find the root of the issue. I want to know, in terms of stillbirth, why are black babies dying more? And what are the causes behind it? Are black babies dying from the same thing that white babies are dying from? What are the causes of this?

“Should we be looking at the mother’s history and the mother as well? Is it because black women aren’t being listened to? So when they say reduced foetal movements and things should be done, is it not getting done on time? Are they having traumatic births? Is it because they are having rushed C-sections? What is the issue that is affecting the child? Is it a condition that the mother had that went undiagnosed during a pregnancy? What exactly is it?”

In 2021, 8.7% of live births in the black ethnic group were pre-term. Within that group, black Caribbean and any other black background ethnic groups had the highest percentages of preterm live births, at 10.2% and 9.2% respectively.

The death rate in the most deprived areas of England was twice the rate of that in the least deprived. There were 5.6 stillbirths per 1,000 in 2021 in the 10% most deprived areas compared with 2.7 in the 10% least deprived.

Awe said: “There’s a lot of questions, but there’s not enough answers and it’s been like that for a long time. What the government and NHS need to do is get more targeted, and answer a lot of these questions, so that we’re not just stabbing away in the dark and seeing these potentially preventable things happening.”

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Source: Health & wellbeing | The Guardian

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