Can Dogs Eat Honey Cats

Can Dogs Eat Honey Cats

If you have kids you have probably heard all the warnings about not feeding honey to children under the age of one. But if you are a parent who has fur children instead of the two-legged variety, you may be wondering about the safety of feeding honey to animals.

Can Dogs Eat Honey? Can Cats Eat Honey?

We make honey products for allergies, inflammation, and immune support primarily for humans. Often we’re asked, “Can dogs eat honey?” And, “Can cats eat honey?” And while we don’t formulate specifically for animals, all of our products have been shared with our animals successfully from time to time.

So the answer is, yes they can!

Specifically in horses, there is a strong precedence for – and history of – combining honey and herbs as “treat”ments.

Growing up, whenever my mom would give me a pill or vitamin she would always hide it in applesauce. I’m pretty sure that’s why I still chew everything with suspicion. While she was handing out my applesauce, my furry brothers and sisters were getting a similarly disguised package in cheese or peanut butter.

The cat wouldn’t eat applesauce or peanut butter, but loved the cheese. The dog preferred peanut butter. I would have taken any of them but got stuck with applesauce.

My mother could have simplified the matter if she had known to use honey because all of us like honey!

Can Dogs Eat Honey? Yes, here’s how. (Cat’s too!)

To Hide Medication

Mixing a bit of powder out of a capsule, or adding drops of liquid medicine into honey makes it tasty. Not only is there less fighting, but the honey actually amplifies the effect of the herb or medicine.

For Allergies

Yep! Honey is good for your seasonal allergies and it’s also good for pets. Be sure it is raw and local.


Our animals can get burned just as humans can. They are curious and can get into things they shouldn’t, walk on a hot stove, get a sunburn, etc. If it isn’t a serious burn that needs vet attention, a little honey on the sore spot will fix it right up!


Our outdoor cats often get into fights with roaming animals. There is nothing more full of bacteria than a festering cat bite! Honey is antibacterial and is one of the best things you can use to heal up pet wounds.

Cough and sore throat

A spoon of honey, licked once or twice a day can really ease a cold in your furry friend.

Better Digestion

Honey contains enzymes that can help support healthy digestion.


Need a natural energy boost for a pet that is run down? A bit of honey can help!

Final Tips

  • It is important to use honey in moderation, just as in humans. Too much sweet for them is just as bad as it is for us.
  • You do not need to use any one particular kind of honey, unless you really prefer to use the expensive manuka.
  • Just be sure that your honey is raw and that it is made and processed responsibly.
  • Avoid giving honey to very young animals.

Daily Dosage Suggestions


  • small: 1 teaspoon
  • medium: 2 teaspoons
  • large: 1 Tablespoon


  • ½ teaspoon for most sizes

Have you ever fed your pet honey? For what reason, and how did it go?


Source: DIY Natural

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