In October 2020, a gloomy Joe Biden warned America of a “dark winter” to come. In December 2021, he delusionally warned of a “winter of severe illness and death” for the unvaxxed among us, as “emerging and infectious diseases expert” Anthony Fauci furiously and gleefully nodded in agreement.

Welp, March 20, 2022, was the first day of spring, America. If you’re reading this, congratulations!

On both a personal note and germane to the issue at hand, after contracting COVID more than a year ago and sailing through it in several days as if were a mild cold — simply a statement of fact — and after reading and continuing to read copious amounts of non-narrative-driven “to vax or not to vax” data, and considering my personal health, I remain unvaccinated. Not an endorsement, either way, just the facts.

Anyway, I am pleased to announce that I, too, have suffered neither a winter of severe illness nor death — as far as I can tell. Now the challenge becomes surviving 1,036 more days of Joe Biden.

Given that the media’s attention has rightly shifted to Vladimir Putin’s continuing onslaught in Ukraine, to a lesser extent, the never-ending but always revealing Hunter Biden laptop scandal, and the recent revelation that heterosexuality as we know it was invented in 1936 [sarc, but true], let’s check in on the current state of the no-longer pandemic, and how Biden, Fauci, & Co. are handling the “bad” news, via a few headlines.

Not to be dissuaded, Fauci reemerged on Sunday, but alas, even the COVID Gnome was somewhat neutered, compared to his glory days.

March 20: Health experts predict uptick in U.S. Covid cases due to new BA.2 variant

U.S. health experts are warning an emerging, highly contagious Covid omicron variant, called BA.2, could soon lead to another uptick in domestic coronavirus cases.

White House chief medical advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci said BA.2 is about 50% to 60% more transmissible than omicron … Health officials continue to stress coronavirus vaccines and boosters remain the best ways to prevent serious illness from the virus.

Ah, but even Fauci — wistfully, no doubt — was forced to admit reality: The days of “dark winters” and “severe illness and death” for the masses are behind us.

“It does have increased transmission capability,” Fauci said Sunday on ABC’s “This Week.” “However, when you look at the cases, they do not appear to be any more severe and they do not appear to evade immune responses either from vaccines or prior infections.”

March 18: CDC COVID Data Tracker Weekly Review

COVID-19 caseshospitalizations, and deaths all continue to decrease in the United States. According to CDC’s COVID Data Tracker, as of March 16, 2022, 76.7% of the total U.S. population has received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, and 65.3% has completed their primary series. However, only about half of the booster-eligible population has received a booster dose and is considered up to date on their COVID-19 vaccines.

(Don’t even get me started on the definition of “vaccine,” which the CDC itself not only conveniently changed in September; it continued to move the goalposts. Shocked? Me, neither.)

March 17: Biden COVID Advisors Leaving in April

President Joe Biden’s COVID-19 coordinator Jeff Zients and his deputy Natalie Quillian are leaving the administration next month, the White House announced Thursday. They will be replaced by Dr. Ashish Jha, the dean of the Brown University School of Public Health.


The selection of Jha comes as the Biden administration has come under criticism for confusing public messaging around the virus as many restrictions and mandates are easing.

March 3: CDC numbers show more than 90 percent of people in U.S. can ditch masks

Data released Thursday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show that Covid-19 levels have dropped significantly enough that more than 90 percent of people in the U.S. can go without masks.

The updated data, which show that nearly everyone in the country lives in areas with low to medium risk for Covid, were released days after the agency issued new guidance that tweaked how it measured that risk.

Instead of relying on case rates, the CDC now considers hospitalizations and hospital capacity as key metrics[both of which are significantly down].

Yet, walk maskless into any Walmart or grocery store in America and see how long it takes before a programmed mask Karen hits you with that familiar appalled death stare we all find so endearing.

The bottom line:

As I suggested, my point here was not to pass judgment on COVID “vaccinations” and subsequent “boosters,” although I am waiting for Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, or one of the other makers of vaccines to introduce a punchcard. Say, with your 10th jab you get a free pizza, or whatever. You know, just to keep the peeps coming back.

What I strongly suggested, was the doom and gloom strategy of Joe Biden, Anthony Fauci, the CDS, and the liberal lapdog media to scare the bejesus out of America, week after week, month after month, year after year, with ridiculous warning after ridiculous warning only served to create more suspicion among the already suspicious — yours truly, included.

Instead, reasonable adults should be treated as such. Shoot straight. Share facts — all of them, whether they support your narrative or counter it. Provide the opportunity for reasonable people to make reasonable decisions. Rather than reducing yourself to ridiculous hyperbolic nonsense about “dark winters” of “severe illness and death,” and such.

Oh, wait. Joe Biden. Anthony Fauci. The Democrat Party. CNN and MSNBC. Never mind.
