Drinking plenty of water and staying hydrated is vital for your health in every aspect. In fact, you need enough water in your body for proper digestion, organ function, healthy bowels, and healthy bones and muscles, just to name a few. Staying hydrated is important for weight loss and weight maintenance, too. And while there’s nothing wrong with drinking plain water, many people opt to incorporate detox waters into their daily routine—meaning, they add fruits, vegetables, herbs, or spices to their regular glass of water to rev it up.
Water by itself can keep you hydrated, and drinking enough throughout the day can help your body burn fat and lose weight. Research has shown that water can do this by helping to increase your metabolism, reduce appetite, and improve digestion to keep you regular. So when you add extra ingredients to your regular water in the form of fruit or herbs, you’re just adding more potential health benefits to your glass.
However, it’s important to understand what detox water is and what it isn’t. It can be a simple, affordable way to stay hydrated and add helpful vitamins and minerals, which in turn can contribute to your overall fat-burning goals. What it isn’t is a “quick fix” or dietary cleanse that can speed up the process in which your body naturally gets rid of toxins. It’s also worth noting that if adding a little flavor makes you more likely to drink water throughout the day, that’s a benefit in and of itself.
So if you’re looking for some tasty ways to get more vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that help you burn fat and lose weight, try one of the detox water ideas below. And next, check out the 10 Best Protein-Packed 100-Calorie Snacks for Weight Loss.

Grapefruit and mint make for a refreshing combination—and one that provides a glassful of vitamins and minerals, too. Grapefruit has been found to help with weight loss, and specifically, abdominal fat loss, because of its phytochemicals, according to a study published in Metabolism. Grapefruit water on its own would be a delicious way to help detox and burn fat, but when you throw in some mint, you’ll have a burst of both flavor and helpful detoxing minerals.
There isn’t as much research on the weight loss effects of mint, but one study from Neurogastroenterology & Motility found that peppermint oil was able to reduce appetite in some patients. It may not be super promising on its own, but toss some into your grapefruit water and you’ll have an extra flavorful way to stay hydrated.

You may not think of cumin when you think of refreshing flavored water, but you might want to reconsider, especially because research has found that the combination of lime and cumin may have a handful of health benefits. According to a 2016 study, those who ate lime and cumin (high-dose) together for eight weeks experienced positive results on weight loss and reduction of BMI. The same people also had lower levels of LDL cholesterol after the experiment.

Blueberries are chock full of beneficial plant compounds, with one of the most powerful being a pigment called anthocyanin. According to a report published in Advances in Nutrition, anthocyanin is linked not only to better weight management but it has also been found to aid in the reduction of diabetes and cardiovascular disease risk.
The research on lemons and weight loss is a bit more inconclusive, but what we do know is that if adding lemons to your water gets you to drink more, then in turn it can help you lose more weight. For example, one study published in Obesity found that those who consumed more water were able to lose more body weight by the end of the experiment.

All fruits and vegetables contain different pigments that give them their vibrant coloring and also provide unique health benefits to the body. There is a powerful pigment found in red raspberries known as ketone, and there’s a growing body of research focusing on the potential benefits of this plant compound.
A report found in the journal Plants notes that the possible health benefits of raspberry ketone—including weight loss—are promising, but these are often the result of high doses in supplement form. So while you won’t be able to magically lose weight or detox your body from a few sips of raspberry water, the combination of raspberry and lemon can still yield healthy plant compounds and motivate you to drink more water on a consistent basis.

The summer season is the perfect time for chowing down on some juicy watermelon, but adding it to your water any time of year may help bring about some positive results in the fat-burning department. According to a study published in Nutrients, watermelon consumption is associated with lower blood pressure, lower BMI, and reduced body weight. Pair this with a sprig or two of mint and you’ll have yourself a refreshingly healthy beverage.

All fruits contain what are known as polyphenols, which are a type of naturally occurring plant compound, but citrus polyphenols have specifically been linked to weight loss and weight management. To take advantage of this in an easy way, make yourself a glass of orange, lemon, and mint water.
A 2014 report from Food Science & Technology concluded that these polyphenols were associated with a reduction in abdominal fat tissue and overall bodyweight, and were also used in certain types of obesity treatments.

Multiple studies have found that cinnamon supplementation is linked to weight loss and reduction of obesity risk, so it certainly couldn’t hurt to throw some into your water. Pair this with pomegranate—which research has also found to have potential weight loss effects—and citrus fruit like oranges, and you’ll have a fun, fall-ready drink to help with your weight loss goals.

Blackberries are one of the healthiest fruits you can buy. They’re low in calories and sugar but are packed with antioxidants. Research has also found that blackberry consumption may be connected to fat reduction and insulin sensitivity, making it a great companion to your regular glass of water. Throw in mint for more flavor and a natural breath refresher.

It may sound like a strange combination at first, but a glass of cucumber, celery, and lemon water can provide a thirst-quenching beverage that may also help your body naturally detox.
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Celery may not have a very satisfying flavor, but because of its high levels of potassium, it’s actually been found to help decrease water retention and reduce bloating. And while more research needs to be done on the possible link between cucumber and weight loss, one study on mice found that they could help with the reduction of abdominal fat.

Kiwis will not only help sweeten your water without any added sugar, but research has found that this fruit, specifically golden kiwis, has been linked to body fat reduction and reduced inflammation. Mix kiwi with cucumber and mint for a naturally cooling beverage to sip on.

We now know of some of the potential weight loss and detoxing benefits of lemon, mint, and cucumber, but what about rosemary? It may not be as refreshing as herbs like mint or basil, but it still provides tons of flavor and potential benefits to your detoxing efforts by helping to ultimately reduce inflammation in the body.

We know that citrus plant compounds, as well as the compounds found in berries like blackberries, blueberries, or raspberries, have been linked to possible weight loss and fat reduction benefits. So, if you’re looking for more inspiration on how to combine these beneficial fruits in another detox water recipe, try kiwi, orange, and any of your favorite berries.

If you don’t mind a slightly slimy texture in your water, then loading up on some chia seeds may be worth it for you. Just one ounce of chia seeds contains almost 10 grams of fiber, and when you add them to liquid they expand and become soft (and yes, a little slimy). Research shows that higher intakes of fiber are associated with greater weight loss and management, so this simple trick will give you a boost in just one glass. Plus, adding in some lime can increase your levels of those helpful citrus polyphenols we mentioned earlier.

Mint and lemon with any type of berry is a tasty combination, but when you add strawberries, you’ll be giving your body some help in your weight loss goals—albeit in an indirect way.
This is because strawberries contain specific polyphenols (the plant compounds we mentioned) that have been found to help manage your blood sugar. Because high blood sugar over time can potentially lead to weight gain, including foods in your diet that can help with blood sugar management may be beneficial in the long run. Plus, it doesn’t hurt that this trio tastes amazing!

Aside from adding flavor and spice to your foods or drinks, multiple studies have found that ginger root is associated with weight loss and anti-inflammation. One review found that the specific compounds in ginger can help reduce body weight, while another study on women with obesity discovered that ginger had a small impact on lowering BMI. To sweeten up these weight loss benefits even further, add some mango to your water for a hint of natural sugars.

For a drink that not only offers potential weight loss benefits but also provides anti-inflammatory and antioxidant qualities, grab a glass of water and add some lemon and turmeric. One study published in Frontiers in Pharmacology found that curcumin (which is the main compound found in turmeric) was linked to a greater reduction in body weight and BMI in patients with existing metabolic syndrome. For a cozier way to enjoy these benefits, try this drink with hot water instead of cold.

Treat your body to an easy 10 grams of fiber by adding an ounce of chia seeds to your next glass. And if you want to crank up the potential health benefits even further, try adding a little bit of apple cider vinegar (ACV). According to Current Development in Nutrition, ACV can act as a subtle appetite reducer. Not only that, it can also help you manage blood sugar spikes. Toss in a squeeze or two of lemon for some added sweetness.

If you’re looking for another way to enjoy the weight loss and anti-inflammatory benefits of ginger in your water, try adding in fresh slices of pineapple, which will naturally sweeten your beverage and give it a summery feel.

Combine the weight loss benefits that come from the polyphenols found in grapefruit with the potential inflammation-reducing qualities of rosemary, and adding both to your water will provide you with a treat that’s equal parts healthy and refreshing.

For the perfect “heading into fall” detox water, simply add some apple slices and cinnamon. You can use cold or hot water, but hot apple and cinnamon water will really help you cozy up once summer is over. Cinnamon has been linked to weight reduction, but if you want the added fiber that can come from apples, wait until you’re done with your water and munch on the remaining apple slices.