Jamun And Diabetes
Diabetes is characterised by disturbance in carbohydrate metabolism. Pancreatic alpha-amylase, secreted by pancreas in the small intestine, is a key digestive enzyme that helps convert starch to maltose and then to glucose, which is further used by the body for energy.
When we consume food, pancreatic alpha-amylase helps break down dietary starch, causing an increase in the glucose levels post-meal. The amylase enzyme positively affects the levels of glucose after the meal and prevents it from reaching above the normal levels. This helps in the management of diabetes.
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The antidiabetic effect of different parts of the jamun fruit was evaluated in a study due to their inhibitory action on human pancreatic alpha-amylase. It was found that jamun reduces the rate of starch breakdown in the body or say, slows down the starch hydrolysis, thus preventing the sudden spike of glucose after the meal and managing diabetes. [2]
The phytochemicals like alkaloids, flavonoids, proteins, steroid, tannins, glycosides and saponins in jamun were found to be inhibitory compounds responsible for the inhibitory action.
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The study also added that the kernel of jamun contains the highest antidiabetic activity with 86.2 per cent, followed by seed with 79.4 per cent and pulp with 53.8 per cent. The data was evaluated from six black jamun landraces found in Gir forest of India, which were of different shape, size and weight.
Effects Of Jamun On People With Prediabetes
Another study talks about the anti-hyperglycemic effects of decoction of jamun. This herbal formulation made with jamun and Heart-leaved moonseed is considered a traditional household remedy for diabetes. Jamun decreases glucose levels in mild diabetes to maximum, while in moderate and severe diabetes, the reduction was less compared to the prior. This shows that jamun can help treat diabetes at an early stage or at the prediabetes stage. [3]
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Effects Of Jamun Seed Powder On Diabetes
A study has shown that jamun seed powder contains phytochemicals like anthocyanins, triterpenoids, glycosides, oleic acid, saponins and flavonoids like quercetin and myricitrin, which are directly responsible to affect the beta-cells functions of the pancreas and prevent insulin resistance.
Jamun seed powder can help improve glucose levels in type 2 diabetics who have poorly controlled glycemic levels. Consult a medical expert before starting on jamun seed powder. [4]
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Other Reasons Why Jamun Is Good For Diabetes
1. Low glycemic index
Jamun has a low glycemic index (GI) of 48.1. Glycemic index is a scale to measure the potential of a food to raise the blood glucose levels in the body. The low GI value is below 55. As the GI of jamun is 48.1, it falls under the category of food with low GI and hence, consumption of this fruit increases the glucose levels very slowly and keeps diabetes under control. [5]
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2. Antioxidant activity
Jamun, a seasonal fruit in India, is rich in phytochemicals like anthocyanins and tannins, which are also responsible for its sweet and sour taste and purple hue. Vitamin C in jamun is also a potent antioxidant. These phytochemicals and vitamins contribute to the antioxidant potential of the fruit. It may help reduce free radicals in the body and prevent oxidative damage to the pancreatic beta cells that results in insufficient production of insulin and causes type 1 diabetes.
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3. Low calories
Jamun contains very low calories, of around 60 per 100 g, that includes total fat of 0.2 g, sodium of 14 mg, total carbohydrate of 16 g and protein of 0.7 g, calcium of 19 mg, iron of 0.19 mg, potassium of 79 mg and other nutrients. [6] This data shows that you can maintain your daily calorie count even after eating more jamuns. However, prevent eating lots of jamuns in a day as it may lead to flatulence, diarrhoea and body ache.
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