If you are feeling sluggish and want to banish some unwanted wrinkles, one simple diet can help you feel and look your best.

Peruvian ground cherries, also known as golden berries, are high in fibre, vitamins, and minerals and are most notably recognised for their high concentration of collagen and protein.

Collagen is a protein that helps skin cells stick together and gives skin strength and elasticity. As people age, their bodies produce less collagen, leading to wrinkles, sagging, and thinning skin.

However, Peruvian ground cherries stand out as a natural source of collagen, meaning the powerful fruit can help fight against signs of ageing.

The proteins present in this fruit help strengthen the immune system, repair tissues, and provide energy. The cherries also serve as a powerful antioxidant, protecting your body against free radicals that damage cells and open doors to diseases.

Peruvian ground cherries can be consumed in a variety of ways, including adding them to salads and desserts, having them in a refreshing smoothie, or topping your morning cereal.

The bright yellow fruit, native to North and South America, is sweet, making it a refreshing snack that you can easily incorporate into your daily diet.

They also excel in savoury dishes, going especially well with goat cheese, nuts and hearty grains.

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