Green vegetables are an important element of a healthy and balanced diet; they provide lots of nutrients which can contribute to weight loss. Experts suggest filling half your plate with vegetables at every meal, and many also recommend ‘eating the colour of the rainbow’ to ensure diversity. But there is one leafy green which stands out among the rest when it comes to helping you lose weight. 

“Spinach tops my list for best leafy green for weight loss for a couple of reasons,” dietitian Jenny Champion revealed.  

She explained how spinach is “super low-cal,” adding that “cutting calories is an age-old method for shedding pounds and it’s still effective today”. 

Per 100g of spinach, there are 23 calories. 

The second reason why spinach is the best leafy green for weight loss is because “it’s super low carb”, the diet expert continued. 

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Jenny said: “Fibre keeps you full and regular in the bathroom, which is ideal if you’re cutting portions.”

This being said, eating spinach with every meal in a bid to lose weight faster, won’t work. 

Jenny explained: “Too much of a good thing is not better. 

“Eating a ton of greens can actually throw off your thyroid and make it harder to lose weight.” 

On top of that, “eating large amounts of spinach can lead to the development of kidney stones – especially if you’re prone to stone-forming”. 

Many supermarkets also sell spinach frozen, which is convinient if you don’t plan on eating it every day. 

The leafy green can also be added to smoothies, for a quick meal or healthy snack. 

Metabolism boosting green smoothie 

Lose Weight By Eating says: “Spinach has practically no taste, making it ideal for green smoothies, and those looking to try a green smoothie diet.” 

The recipe is for one serving, with 144 calories and takes two minutes to prepare. 


One orange peeled

A third of a cup of strawberries

One cup of raw spinach

One cup of almond milk


1. Add all the green smoothie recipes ingredients to blender.

2. Blend green smoothie until smooth, adding more water as needed to reach

desired thickness.

3. Serve, and wash out your blender right away to avoid sticking. 

Source: Daily Express | Diet