Belly buttons, if not properly cleaned, can harbour a horrid odour that anyone would wish to sidestep.

Often neglected, the navel demands meticulous care during one’s grooming routine. In its absence, olfactory repugnance might ensue but there’s more than just the foul scent to beware of, warns a medical practitioner.

Dr Geeta Yadav took to TikTok, emphasizing the need for thorough belly button cleansing, underscoring her clip with: “Does your belly button smell? Well, you could have an umbolith or navel stone. Want to prevent this? Please wash your belly buttons.”

As per WebMD’s insight, “a navel stone is sometimes called an omphalolith or umbolith. It is a condition where substances like sebum, skin oil, hair, dead skin cells, and dirt can accumulate and form a hardball. The stone is usually a dark colour and firm to the touch. They may resemble a large blackhead in the opening of the navel.”

Dermatologist Dr Geeta Yadav has advised those suffering from smelly navels to “clean it with a Q tip, or with soap and water every day in the shower”. Echoing similar concerns, Dr Ajayi-Sotubo warned that negligent belly button hygiene “can lead to rashes, inflammation and infections”.

He suggested that one “should also aim to do a specific clean, focused on the belly button once a week”, additionally maintaining everyday cleanliness during showering. “If the belly button is particularly deep, you can use a wet cotton bud as that’s what I do when cleaning people’s belly buttons before surgery,” he adds.

In response to Dr Yadav’s video, a commenting lady noted: “I have always cleaned mine and my kids, as they got older I made them clean theirs daily and always thought I was crazy lol” – though her efforts are appreciated now. Another individual highlighted the importance of cleanliness for “health”.

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