Dr Pepper is one of the most popular soft drinks in the world. The OG soda, a “signature blend of 23 flavors,” was created in 1885 by a pharmacist. In the years since, like other sodas – including Coke, Sprite, and 7-Up – Dr Pepper has evolved into many flavors and sugar-free versions. Which is the best of the bunch? It depends on who you ask, but there seems to be some consensus. We scoured reviews, Reddit feeds, and retailers websites in order to come up with a ranked list of the most adored Dr Pepper flavors. Here are 7 ranked by how much shoppers love them, least to most beloved.
Dr Pepper Zero

No calories, no problem. Lots of Dr Pepper fans swear by Dr Pepper Zero, with many maintaining its the best flavor. “I’m a purist, but I drink it all day long so I don’t want sugar,” one says. “I honestly think it’s the best zero sugar soda on the market,” another adds. “It’s really kind of freaky, isn’t it? No aftertaste at all. Nothing like Coke Zero,” a third chimes in.
Dr Pepper & Cream Soda

What do you get when you infuse a little cream into a Dr Pepper? An “Absolutely amazing flavor,” writes one Redditor. Dr Pepper & Cream Soda is a fan-favorite. “I was never a fan of cream soda, but Dr Pepper is one of my favorite sodas of all time. So out of a little curiosity I decided to buy it. It is by far my favorite flavor, I like it even more than standard Dr Pepper,” writes one Walmart shopper.
Dr Pepper Dark Berry

While it is no longer available lots of people swear that Dark Berry was the all-time greatest Dr Pepper flavor. “It’s a shame it was only a promotion for the Spider-Man movie,” one writes. “Should have been the permanent flavor instead of strawberries and cream,” says another. People are so fanatic about the flavor, they are willing to pay big bucks buying it on eBay. “Money can’t buy happiness. But it can buy Dark Berry Dr Pepper which is close,” writes one Redditor. “Dark Berry needs to be a permanent flavor. Just finished the last 12 pack I had stashed,” another chimed in.
Dr Pepper Strawberries and Cream

Another fan favorite that gets the most Reddit votes? Dr Pepper Strawberries and Cream, which is “top tier! Definitely one of my favorites next to the original!” one fan recently commented on Reddit. “I think it’s the best soda I have ever tasted. No joke,” another attested. “It reminds me of strawberry milk,” one Redditor says.
Diet Dr Pepper

When it comes to the debate of Diet versus Zero Sugar, Dr Pepper fans are mostly in agreement that the old school Diet Dr Pepper simply tastes better. Many note that it tastes “less sweet” than Zero.
Dr Pepper Real Sugar

Just like the real sugar “Mexican” Coke is a crowd-pleaser, Dr Pepper purists note that Dr Pepper Real Sugar, made with cane sugar and packaged in glass bottles, is the best of the best. “I snatch that green label up any time I see it,” one says. While they can be tough to find, you can order them on Amazon.
Dr Pepper

Dr Pepper purists agree that nothing beats the original. “Plain old regular Dr.Pepper, I enjoy pretty much every flavor but nothing hits the same,” one person states.
Leah Groth