Dame Emma Thompson, who is known for her roles in Cruella and Sense and Sensibility as well as the Harry Potter franchise, previously dropped an impressive two dress sizes in just six weeks thanks to a personal trainer.

The actress went from a UK size 14 to a size 10 without following a strict diet or eating fad foods such as chia seeds and kale.

Instead, Dame Emma enlisted the help of Princess Kate’s personal trainer and dietitian Louise Parker to get her in shape.

Louise’s expertise doesn’t come cheap with a six-week intensive course costing £4,500, according to MailOnline.

However, the course is incredibly intense and involves exercising six times each week for 90 minutes per session.

Following the intensive course, Dame Emma lost an impressive 1.2st (8kg) and dropped from a size 14 to a size 10.

The actress even wrote a forward to Louise’s book, The Louise Parker Method: Lean For Life: The Cookbook.

She wrote: “Louise is the only one out there I trust – she’s not holier than thou, yet somehow miraculously gets my reluctant arse into gear and sometimes even keeps it there.

“I love that her method is NOT a diet – and is genuinely sustainable – so I can have my glass of wine and manage to avoid spending the rest of the week eating cheesy Wotsits.

“She toughens me up without driving me round the bend with kale juice and the more depressing style of sprout.

“She just gets it. We all use her, because she’s discreet and funny and that’s really important.”

As well as doing daily resistance workouts, Louise created a bespoke nutritional dietary plan for Dame Emma.

She was also weighed weekly using bioelectrical impedance scales which measure body fat and muscle.

The four key aims of Louise’s plan are well-being and sleep, diet, intelligent exercise and mental positivity.

That means swapping out scrolling through social media on your phone and watching films on your iPad before bed for reading a book.

Dame Emma was also instructed to have three meals each day which all contained protein, low GI (glycaemic index) carbohydrates and a small amount of healthy fat, plus two snacks.

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