On Tuesday, the story shot around the world that climate protester Greta Thunberg was “detained” by the police in Germany at a protest at a coal mine.
The tweets largely left out that she and the others rushed toward the edge of a coal mine which could have endangered them. So the police removed them from the area.
German police said Greta Thunberg, along with other protesters, rushed towards the ledge of an open coal mine, before being stopped and “carried out of the immediate danger area.”
One activist managed to jump into the mine. pic.twitter.com/Ljy39CSUg7
— DW News (@dwnews) January 17, 2023
So then you got this from CNN:
Watch Greta Thunberg get carried away by German police.
The climate activist was detained by police at a protest over the expansion of a coal mine in the west German village of Lützerath, CNN affiliate N-TV reports. Watch: https://t.co/75oiLF3n9S— CNN (@CNN) January 17, 2023
She was released after a brief detention.
But then you had folks on the left outraged that Thunberg a “minor” was “arrested” and carried off by the police. Some claimed the treatment was “excessive.” If you notice, she didn’t look too upset in that video and picture. She’s also now 20 years old, so no longer a “minor.”
Thunberg posted this tweet about her harrowing experience and detention, claiming they were “kettled” and “Climate protection is not a crime.”
Yesterday I was part of a group that peacefully protested the expansion of a coal mine in Germany. We were kettled by police and then detained but were let go later that evening.
Climate protection is not a crime.#LuetziBleibt #LuetziLebt #KeepItInTheGround #ClimateJustice
— Greta Thunberg (@GretaThunberg) January 18, 2023
Guess not, since she wasn’t even formally arrested. There’s no evidence that they were “kettled.”
But then she got inundated by people with video claiming she “staged” it because the video showed her posing and laughing with the cops.
The fake arrest of #GretaThunberg
All set up for the cameras. pic.twitter.com/IViYGTXnG9
— TVisCOOL! 📺 www.tviscool.com (@TVisCOOLUK) January 17, 2023
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I am sorry you were brutally posing for smiling photographs with the authorities. I only hope you never have to relive that trauma. https://t.co/uZsT5MOPhW
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) January 18, 2023
Some noted that there also might have been more than one “take.”
Greta being arrested. Take 2! pic.twitter.com/y9RTsPpWBY
— Justin Hart (@justin_hart) January 18, 2023
Posing for pictures doesn’t equal “kettling.”
The irony in all this is that liberal Germany shut down a lot of their nuclear plants that had been productive. Then, of course, they made themselves reliant on Russia which was not an intelligent decision as President Donald Trump told them. They laughed at him, but he was later proven right. So now they’re having to resort to coal, just to keep things going.
We’ve seen this sort of arranged “protest detention” in the past, where the protesters are trying to get the police to “detain” them for the PR because then they know the media will cover it more. Here’s Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) being “arrested” and faking that she has handcuffs on.
Today, Rep. AOC was arrested along with other members of Congress outside the Supreme Court for protesting in support of abortion rights. #AbortionRightsAreHumanRights pic.twitter.com/gvj9J1o5ic
— Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@RepAOC) July 19, 2022
Rep. Ilan Omar (D-MN) did it too. Pro tip? When you’re raising your hand in the socialist fist, it tends to kill the claim that you had handcuffs on.
But just a reminder of what a protest arrest looks like when it isn’t arranged for PR.
The Greta arrest being faked was no surprise. For comparison, this is how german cops treated lockdown protester pic.twitter.com/cFU1ytx2cr
— LegalAlien (@LegalAlien1337) January 18, 2023
Others also reminded Greta that this is one of the results of what her green movement pals are pushing.
Greta Thunberg would appreciate it if you didn’t retweet this video of her staged arrest next to these children breaking their backs in the name of her Green movement. https://t.co/HA2fjfie2d
— Kevin Dalton (@KevinForBOS) January 17, 2023
But I’m not sure she gives much of a darn about human rights abuses when she’s proudly sporting things like Nike. You notice she isn’t protesting in China, the worst emissions producer, just in pliable European countries that agree with her climate views.
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