Hair loss can be a natural part of the ageing process, and most of the time, it’s nothing to worry about. We can even lose up to 100 hairs on our bodies every day, without even noticing. But you could prolong the life of your locks by regularly using argan oil for your scalp, it’s been revealed.
Losing your hair could be a gradual process, or it could happen in a short space of time.
Alopecia is a condition that causes your hair to fall out in patches.
It’s an auto-immune condition, whereby the body’s own immune system accidentally attacks hair follicles.
But, regularly using argan oil could lower your risk of hair loss.
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“Argan oil has been shown to provide several health benefits when applied to the skin and many of those benefits extend to the hair,” said medical website Healthline.
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“Argan oil is full of fatty acids and powerful antioxidants, such as vitamin E, that have been shown to have benefits for your scalp and hair.
“The antioxidants and nourishing fatty acids in argan oil help keep your hair moisturised and protects against styling damage and damage caused by free radicals.
“This can result in less breakage and shedding.”
If you choose to use argan oil for your hair, the best way is to massage it into your scalp.
Apply up to 10 drops of the oil directly into your hair, and massage the scalp for 10 minutes.
Wrapping your hair in a towel until the following day would provide your hair with the largest benefit.
Alternatively, look out for shampoos and conditioners that contain argan oil as part of the ingredients.
Source: Daily Express