As a result, while 21 ejaculations per month may reduce a man’s risk, there are other factors which can both compensate for this benefit and have a greater impact such as healthy diet and regular exercise. In the same vein, any negative lifestyle choices such as smoking are highly likely to overwhelm any benefit obtained.
Prostate cancer is one of the most difficult cancers to treat as it rarely presents with symptoms in its early stages; for this reason, there is a consistent awareness campaign targeted at men to get their prostates checked.
However, in common with other cancers, symptoms can arise once it reaches a late state or metastases such as:
• Needing to pee more frequently
• Needing to rush to the toilet
• Difficult in starting to pee
• Straining or taking a long time while peeing
• Weak flow
• Feeling that your bladder has not emptied fully
• Blood in urine
• Blood in semen.
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If the cancer spreads, other symptoms that may appear include:
• Back pain
• Bone pain
• Loss of appetite
• Pain the testicles
• Unintentional weight loss.
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Source: Daily Express