Ear infections can cause pain, itchiness, and discharge in and around your ears. Some people may experience fatigue, fever, or trouble hearing. A buildup of wax, which can also occur from frequent headphone use, can lead to muffled hearing, ringing in your ears, or a feeling of inner-ear pressure, says Dr. Portnuff.

How to properly clean your earbuds

All this is to say: It’s worth cleaning your earbuds and you should do so at least once a week, Dr. Portnuff recommends. If you have any irritated skin in or around your ear (like if you have a cut or, IDK, you picked a zit), it’s a good idea to clean them after each use, he adds: If the right germs are on your earbuds, an open wound can invite them in and increase your chances of developing an infection. Here’s how to do it:

First, remove the physical gunk.

Step one is to get any earwax or other crud, like dust and dirt, off your buds. Remember: The stickier they are, the more germs they’ll pick up from your environment, so it’s best to get rid of wax first. (Besides, this is the grossest part, might as well get it over with).

Per Apple’s AirPod cleaning guide, you shouldn’t use a sharp object like tweezers or a nail file to clear out the grime, as you could damage the mesh speakers. Instead, use a dry, soft-bristled brush like a toothbrush to sweep away any visible debris—you can also try an earbud-specific cleaning tool like this one from Etsy, which SELF’s editor-in-chief, Rachel Miller, has been loving.

Then, wipe them off with alcohol.

Once your buds are wax- and dirt-free, rub them down with a 70% isopropyl alcohol wipe or a 75% ethyl alcohol wipe. Evidence shows these towelettes are extremely effective at killing off most viruses, bacteria, and fungi. Just be sure to look for options that are safe for your skin, Dr. Portnuff recommends. Products made with harsh chemicals, such as hospital-grade disinfectants, can leave residue on your headphones that can cause irritation, especially if you have sensitive skin, he says.

Isopropyl, or “rubbing,” alcohol (70% or higher) is another great choice, he adds; dab a cotton ball, swab, or piece of cloth in the solution and then wipe down your earbuds. You want to avoid bleach and hydrogen peroxide, though, as they can damage your earbuds. Oh, and never run water over them—many earbuds are water-resistant but that doesn’t mean they’re waterproof. Dousing them in H20 can forever ruin them.

Don’t forget to give the case a good clean, too.

Just like with the buds themselves, use a dry bristled brush (or, again, a specialized tool) to remove goop from the inside of your case. Then, yep, use a cloth or swab dampened with rubbing alcohol (or an alcohol wipe) to get rid of any lingering germs. Once you’ve cleaned everything, just make sure to let the buds and case dry off before using them again, to avoid adding extra moisture to your ear.

On that note, you should also always try to put your earbuds back in their case, if they have one, when you’re not using them (countertops and desks can be filthy!). And one last warning from Dr. Portnuff: Please, please do not lick your earbuds before using them. Yes, it’s a thing, he says, and it transfers all types of germs from your mouth to your ear (and vice versa).

This whole process only takes a minute or two and can potentially save you a trip to urgent care (where Keller ended up, by the way). At the very least, won’t it be nice to know that your headphones aren’t jam-packed with ear wax and teeny tiny bacteria? That alone makes it worth it to me.


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