Jane McDonald has been turning heads with her remarkable four-stone weight loss, achieved by eliminating just one type of food from her diet. The TV personality embarked on a health kick after participating in ITV’s ‘Sugar Free Farm’ back in 2017, where she began tweaking her eating habits for the better.

The star opened up to about her transformation, attributing her success to cutting out white carbs such as white flour and pasta. The former ‘Loose Women’ panellist now takes a selective approach to carbohydrates, opting only for healthier options.

‘Sugar Free Farm’ is known for challenging celebrities to cut out sugar and overhaul their diets. During her time on the Channel 5 show, Jane was introduced to nutritionist Angelique Panagos, who provided her with a game-changing bread recipe.

This yeast-free bread, packed with seeds, wholemeal flour, oats, and yoghurt, became Jane’s go-to for satisfying those starchy cravings.

She explained: “The only bread I eat is one that I’ve got a recipe for from Angelique.”

She added: “It’s got no yeast in it and it’s made with lots of pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, wholemeal flour, oats and yoghurt of all things.”

Jane also noted the simplicity of the recipe, saying: “It’s literally 20 minutes and it’s made ready to put in the oven.

“I don’t eat a lot of it but when I’m really craving a bit of starch I just get some out of the freezer and stick it in the toaster and it’s done.”

Taking everything she learnt from her time there, Jane applied the eating hacks to her lifestyle afterwards. After her stint on the farm, she lost another stone and a half thanks to cutting out sugar.

She added: “I lost a stone and a half from taking part in the TV show Sugar Free Farm. I used to eat so much rubbish. I didn’t realise how much rubbish I used to eat.

“I’ve always loved a pie and I was very carbohydrate-led as I was always hungry. I ate far too much and all the wrong things.

“I didn’t realise that if you eat the wrong things, it doesn’t feed your body so you will want more. I like my life, and my schedule takes a lot of energy, but I was beginning to get quite tired and I was blaming it on age.

“I thought it’s just normal to have a big waist and a spare tyre because of my age. Then I was invited to take part in Sugar Free Farm and I met Angelique.

“She said that I’d get a lot more energy if I just changed my diet and I looked at her with that ‘whatever’ look. But within two weeks I’d lost about 9lbs and I didn’t feel hungry.

“I always used to be hungry and was always snacking on something, but I don’t have any of that now. It’s because of a change in my mindset. I used to live to eat, but now I eat to live.”

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