Detox juice cleanses have become well liked amongst Brits in the last few years with juice diets guaranteeing weight loss results. While some experts have issued warnings over detox diets claiming them to be unsafe for the body, one nutritional expert has shared her top tips on juicing and how to know if the diet is for you.

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Lisa Olona is a nutritional coach and has shared her top tips for losing weight in just two weeks for those wanting to embark on a weight loss journey.

Lisa says: “For a 14 day shred, your diet is incredibly important, many dieticians and nutritionists agree that diet comprises 80% of a person’s body type. Start with juicing for 3 days. Juicing is an excellent way to shock your body into “energy mode”.’

“When done properly, a juice cleanse will rid the digestive tract of all “junk” that would otherwise be stored as fat. It will also provide your body with the energy it needs in order to function, and flush the excess out as waste.”

The expert explains how a juice cleanse works and says that there are two options when it comes to a 14 day juice detox cleanse.

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Juice detox diet: A nutritionist shares her top tips on how to follow a detox diet safely

Juice detox diet: A nutritionist shares her top tips on how to follow a detox diet safely (Image: Getty)

She says: “Either buy a juice cleanse pack from a local juice shop, OR purchase your own juicer at the grocery store. Each day, drink 5 juices spread out between breakfast, mid-morning, lunch, afternoon snack and pre-dinner juice. End each day with a small meal of green vegetables.”

Although juice cleanse packs are available to buy from health stores, it is always recommended to make your own if you can as you know exactly what is going into the drink.

Lisa continues: “Then from days 4-14, switch to a high-protein, vegetable-rich diet. For every pound of bodyweight, you should consume one gram of protein daily…This should come in the form of lean, unprocessed sources such as chicken breast, fresh fish, lean turkey, and lean beef.

“As for vegetables, you’ll want to fill your body with as many green veggies as possible. I highly recommend you stock up on kale, spinach, celery, cucumbers, and avocados.

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“In addition, include a gluten-free carbohydrate into one of your meals every day (rice, beans, or a potato).”

A high protein diet will help reduce the hunger hormones and boost several satiety hormones. This leads to a major reduction in hunger and is the main reason protein helps you lose weight. It can make you eat fewer calories automatically.”

While there is no scientific evidence that foods with gluten can cause more weight gain than other foods, some people who have followed a gluten-free diet have claimed that the diet provides benefits such as weight loss and increased energy.

Eating protein has been shown in several studies to help you feel more full. One study found that people were likely to eat around 441 fewer calories per day when protein made up 30 percent of their diet.

The key to detox dieting is to use fresh produce including vegetables and fruit

The key to detox dieting is to use fresh produce including vegetables and fruit (Image: Getty)

The expert says: “Also note that you should be buying these foods as fresh as possible. Try to avoid canned and frozen vegetables, and stick with fresh produce. Not only are these the most nutritious, they’re also the tastiest!

“One of the most important components to your new diet is frequency. If you’re like most people, you’re used to eating three big meals per day. For the next 10 days, I want you to eat five medium-sized meals spaced out evenly throughout the day.”

Lisa explains how this will keep your metabolism high throughout the entire day, rather than fluctuating between high and low. The higher your metabolism, the more fat your body will burn while at rest.

When it comes to weight, metabolism is important and shares a huge part of why some people can lose weight faster than others. You can help boost your metabolism and kickstarting it in the morning can set you up for the day.

Following a juice diet safely can help you lose up to 12 pounds in just two weeks

Following a juice diet safely can help you lose up to 12 pounds in just two weeks (Image: Getty)

The higher your metabolism, the more calories you burn and the easier it is to lose weight. Having a high metabolism can also give you energy and make you feel better, in turn this will help you keep motivated while on a weight loss diet like the juice cleanse.

You can increase your metabolism by exercising, which should be a key component to any weight loss journey.

High-intensity interval training also known as HIIT, involves quick and very intense bursts of activity. It can help you burn more fat by increasing your metabolic rate, even after your workout has finished.

She also says that eating at regular intervals will help fend off food cravings because your body will be digesting healthy foods at all times of the day.

This will also help you eat less throughout the day, meaning you will be less inclined to consume snacks which can also help assist in the weight loss journey.

You should consult a doctor before embarking on any diet and a juice cleanse is no different. All bodies need a different amount of food and nutrition as well as a different amount of calories.

Source: Daily Express | Diet