Jurnee Smollett believes brother Jussie Smollett’s innocence. In an Instagram post, Jurnee posted a simple black image with the written words “#FreeJussie” on March 12. The actor went on to write in its caption, “Black Americans are incarcerated in state prisons at nearly five times the rate of White Americans. Jussie is innocent.And…you don’t have to believe in his innocence to believe he should be free,” with her adding the hashtags “#FreeJussie” and “#StopLockingUpOurPeople.”
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Jurnee turned her post’s comments off, but Twitter rang loud with reactions to her words nonetheless. While one user voiced his support, tweeting, “I’ll attend the Free Jussie march hand-in-hand with Jurnee Smollett,” the vast majority seemed unreceptive to her message. One contested aspect to Jurnee’s defense was her citation of Black incarceration in America. One user voiced many’s confusion, asking, “Does Jurnee Smollett believe only white people should be jailed for breaking the law? I don’t get it.” Another individual addressed Jurnee directly, tweeting,”[R]emember how your bro faked a hate crime? Yeah, that’s why he’s in jail. You two are delusional to believe he’s locked up for no reason. This is why normal Americans hate entertainers. You’re living [in] an alternate universe.”
Another user echoed Jussie’s sentencing judge when he wrote, “Mr. Smollett represents narcissistic liars, not an ethnic group.” (Cook County Judge James Linn accused Jussie of having “this arrogance, and selfishness and narcissism that’s just disgraceful” during his hearing, per CNN).