Keke Palmer raised an all-too-common question in an Instagram video yesterday: Why don’t we have a cure for adult acne yet? More specifically, the 28-year-old actor wants to know why plastic surgeons—who, admittedly, perform very involved procedures all the time—haven’t fixed this issue.
“Good morning, y’all. I was just thinking about the fact that plastic surgeons are amazing,” Palmer said to her 11.2 million followers. “Okay, they can give you a boob job, above the muscle, under the muscle, liposuction, tummy tuck, BBL, they can even implant muscles—I mean the list goes on. But they cannot figure out how to clear up somebody’s skin. Are you kidding me?”
The Nope star then proposed a… skin transplant of sorts: “All of these years and all of these inventions—you can’t figure out how to take the beautiful skin from my ass and put it on my face? I’m tired of it. I’m done with it. People out here with adult acne are struggling and you ain’t figured out that cure? I’m done.”
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Palmer has spoken out about her acne in the past: In a 2020 post, she said it was a symptom of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), a hormonal disorder, and encouraged her fans also struggling with adult acne to “know you’re not alone”.
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In yesterday’s post, she also urged the medical community to do something, writing, “All these years!! Plastic surgeons, y’all wanna know where the real money at? IN CLEARING UP ACNE. Enough with all the hard work of having to find the PERFECT diet and trying to get an expensive facial every other day. Give us the plastic surgery we’re begging for, and make it possible for Black skin as well…I need the dual love.”
Source: SELF