Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascón is trolling the citizens of the county. This is the only explanation for this lame PSA video on the L.A. County D.A.’s website that’s supposed to “help” those citizens combat automobile theft.
On Tuesday, Los Angeles Police Department Chief Michael Moore reported on the increase of violent crime in the City of Angels. It’s bad. Like, really bad.
Over the course of this year, the Department has experienced an increase in robberies taking place in various communities in the City of Los Angeles. Most concerning is that there has been an increase in the levels of violence used during these robberies and the frequency in which a firearm was used. During the Board of Police Commission meeting on March 22, 2022, Chief Moore discussed citywide robbery statistics, crime prevention techniques, situational awareness, and mitigation.
Regarding citywide robberies, the City of Los Angeles has been subject to the following statistics:
• Citywide Robberies are up 18 percent Year to Date compared to 2021, and up 5 percent compared to 2020;
• Year to Date, Citywide robberies with a firearm are up 44 percent (+221) compared to 2021, 57 percent (+261) compared to 2020, and up 60 percent (+270) compared to 2019.
• Year to Date, Citywide robberies with a firearm have accounted for 36 percent of all robberies and accounts for 74 percent of the City’s Year to Date total robbery increase.
• South Bureau (227) and 77th Street Area (102) had the most robberies with a firearm.
Gascón is finding himself against a wall. On the one hand, he is closer to being on the recall block, just like his buddy, San Francisco D.A. Chesa Boudin. The first Recall Gascón attempt failed, but a second signature gathering attempt could well reach its goal. On the other hand, people are beyond fed up with not only Gascón’s failed policies that coddle criminals and attack the victims, but his cavalier attitude toward the rising crime that has resulted from this.
When Gascón was confronted with the evidence that a “juvenile,” now-transgendered sexual offender who Gascón let off lightly, boasted on tape that not only did he do it, but expressed his delight over how he gamed the system, this is all Gascón had to say:
Unfortunately, our juvenile system in its current iteration does not provide adequate support to help someone at 26 with this level of challenges except through the adult system. While for most people several years of jail time is adequate, it may not be for Ms. Tubbs. If we knew about her disregard for the harm she caused we would have handled this case differently. The complex issues and facts of her particular case were unusual, and I should have treated them that way. This change in policy will allow us the space to do that moving forward.
Not exactly a moment of clarity or a renunciation of his policies. But this video clearly shows how disconnected he really is from the rising crime connected to his negligence, malfeasance, and refusal to do this job: prosecute criminals.
From CrimeNews Hub:
Embattled Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascon, facing surging crime in his jurisdiction, released a video this week with tips on how residents can try to discourage thieves from stealing their cars.
It comes as he faces a second recall effort in just over a year in office and is struggling to fend off accusations he’s soft on criminals and mistreating their victims.
“In Los Angeles County, we’re seeing a noticeable increase in auto theft,” Gascon says in the video. “My office is working with our law enforcement partners to hold accountable the people involved in this property crime.”
He goes on to list some advice for car owners that he says can help thwart would-be thieves.

- Always Lock Your Car Door.
In what universe does anyone who lives in a city leave their car unlocked? This is yet more evidence of Gascón’s elitist disconnect from the reality the rest of the world lives in.
- Do Not Leave A Spare Key In Your Vehicle.
What stupid person would do this? The majority of Southern Californians use their garage for storage and park on the street. Come on, man!
- Park In A Well Lit Area.
That’s negligible, since not everyone lives off a major traffic strip. Ever been in North East Pasadena or Altadena after dark? How about La Canada-Flintridge? The Hollywood Hills? The minute you get off the main strip, the odds of street lighting diminish considerably. Next, he’ll probably suggest carrying a flashlight.
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- Get An Anti-Theft Device For Your Vehicle.
Tell that to this Lamborghini owner who thought he was perfectly safe outside of his well-lit Downtown LA high rise.
A man driving a #Lamborghini is attacked by gunmen in a robbery attempt outside a luxury #DTLA high-rise. The man was followed home from an upscale restaurant in Hollywood. Eyewitness News with new clues about the suspects. Tonight at 11 from ABC7. https://t.co/Y2hSMIC9kU pic.twitter.com/2BWD4CFiHm
— ABC7 Eyewitness News (@ABC7) March 10, 2022
Lots of street lights, and even other people around, yet this man was still attacked for his high-end vehicle. Newsflash: No anti-theft device is going to do you any good if the car thief simply jacks you at gunpoint.
Here is another bogus statement from the video. Gascón said he is
“Working with law enforcement to hold accountable the people responsible for these property crimes.”
But when Gascón was sworn in on December 7, 2020, he immediately installed his directives. The D.A.’s office will not seek the death penalty ever. Juveniles will never be charged as adults, no matter how heinous the crime. Gang and gun enhancements to put violent criminals away for a longer time—out the window! No more bail.
It goes on.
If the suspect who pulled a gun on that Lamborghini owner is a juvenile or it is a first offense? This owner is SOL on getting an arrest, let alone a conviction.
This is Gascón’s Los Angeles, and people don’t like it one bit.
Then there is this interesting tidbit:
in mid-December, Gascon launched a diversion program for juveniles accused certain felonies, including burglary, robbery, sex assault and vehicle theft crimes.
Bastian said that he did not immediately have a breakdown of how many participants in the diversion program had been accused of car thefts, but the program itself only processed about 20 people a month for the last three months in a county with more than 10 million residents.
This little PSA move is simply window dressing to cover the train wreck that Gascón’s policies have caused. Like his friend Governor Hair Gel, Gascón figured a sop that makes him appear as if he is listening to citizen concerns and doing something is all that’s needed.
Real change is desperately needed, instead, Gascón decides to play “Michael Scott” from The Office.
Your tax dollars at work, Angeleans.
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