Are you morbidly obese — and is it from bearing the weight of whiteness? If so, a teachers union may be your social-justice Jenny Craig.
New York City’s United Federation of Teachers (UFT) was recently schooled on the subject via a virtual seminar hosted by self-deemed “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Leader” Erica Sandoval.
From the Queens-based therapist’s Psychology Today page:
Do you feel confused, stressed, anxious, or depressed due to a life transition, medical diagnosis, or loss? Are you feeling lonely and frustrated by the lack of intimacy in your life? … We guide clients as they explore parts that have not been processed. Together, we will tap into an increased self-awareness. We help clients understand themselves and the root of the emotional pain.
Erica’s insight into self-awareness rents out for $200 per hour for individuals. However much she costs for a conference, Big Apple educators forked it over to exorcise their pallid, pernicious imps. The symposium was christened “Holding the Weight of Whiteness.”
Web.Cvent.com spelled it out:
This course is about cultural humility and inclusion. It will allow us to discuss how whiteness relates to privilege and identity, and how both become normalized and invisible. It will focus on key cultural themes (e.g., internalized racism, privilege, microaggressions, white identity) related to Latinx/e communities.
Erica got personal:
Our presenter will share personal stories and experiences that relate to her identities and how these experiences have been shaped by racism.
Lives were presumably changed; harm got hacked at:
Participants will leave the workshop with a better understanding of how to center ourselves as a form of resistance against the harmful effects of whiteness in our lives, the organizations we work for or direct and the communities in which we serve.
The union’s Instagram account added info. Evidently, most whites are solidly similar:
Whiteness and white racialized identity refer to the way that white people, their customs, culture, and beliefs operate as the standard by which all other groups are compared.
What has “whiteness and the normalization of white racial identity” done to America? According to UFT, our Caucasian curse has “created a culture where nonwhite persons are seen as inferior or abnormal.”
It’s an interesting assessment. A host of headlines point to the opposite — poorly-pigmented people appear as anything but supreme:
University Hires Social Justice Center to Help Top Staff Embrace ‘White Inferiority’
State University Hosts Workshops to Help Nonwhites Survive ‘Racial Battle Fatigue’
University Professor on ‘Diversity and Inclusion’ Panel Announces She Keeps Away From White People
Professor Prescribes ‘Reregulation’ to Help White People Stop Their Racist Violence
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Back to NYC, it remains unclear what white-related weight loss has to do with teaching reading, writing, and ‘rithmetic. Then again:
Department of Education Fights the White Supremacy in Mathematics #Education via https://t.co/eZts8a7YKM https://t.co/wi2Tjz2A1F
— Elliot Liber (@elliot__liber) February 15, 2021
In case you missed it…
English Teacher Fights the ‘White Supremacy’ of Teaching Kids to ‘Write Properly’https://t.co/AveWspiXET
— Alex Parker (@alexparker1984) March 30, 2023
A reported by the New York Post, not everyone was happy with UFT’s anti-whiteness wipe-up:
“Why is it important for employees of the New York City Department of Education to serve as a form of resistance against the effects of whiteness in their lives, the Department of Education, and the diverse communities in which they serve, which may consist of white students and families?” wrote [New York City Council Minority Leader Joe Borelli] (R-Staten Island) in a letter Friday to Tina Puccio, director of the UFT’s Member Assistance Program.
Purportedly, 14.7 percent of the involved student populace is white.
Will New York see a near-15 percent loss in tonnage or terror? If so, the teachers union will have solved a problem our institutions have been strenuously striving to fix:
Mental Health Journal’s Article on ‘Parasitic Whiteness’ Laments There’s ‘Not Yet a Permanent Cure’
https://t.co/NSPA6ckyA5— RedState (@RedState) June 11, 2021
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State University Launches ‘Anti-Black Racism’ Minor
Find all my RedState work here.
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