Just Do It™.

Yup, that’s the slogan of Nike, the world’s largest supplier of athletic shoes and sports apparel. With world headquarters a mere eight miles from… wait for it… super-wokeified Portland, Oregon, the increasingly controversial company enjoyed annual revenue in excess of $46 billion dollars in fiscal 2022.

The question is, “Just do what?” 

I’m among the tens of millions of Americans who wore (as opposed to wears) Nike products for decades. As an athlete, I not only loved the shoes’ performance, but I was also one of those obsessed guys who loved Nike style and couldn’t get enough of ’em. That all changed for me when Nike went woke. The company’s prostration before the Black Lives Matter altar led me to swear off Nike products for good.

So, not to be outdone by the likes of Disney and Anheuser-Busch (Budweiser, Bud Light, etc.), Nike decided to hire “trans” whatever, Dylan Mulvaney as its latest women’s wear spokesperson.

Before I get started, lemme say a few words about Dylan Mulvaney — and then some. In other words, I’m going to intentionally bury the lede, which is referenced in my headline.

I don’t give a damn about Dylan Mulvaney and neither should you. This person is simply the latest shiny hood ornament of the “trans” movement and nothing more. When the next shiny “trans” comes along, Mulvaney will be yesterday’s news. What I do very much give a damn about is what I’ve always given a damn about, in reference to the entire LGBTQ… (et al.) movement.

While it makes zero difference to me what adults do to or with themselves or their bodies, or what they do to or with other consenting adults capable of understanding what they’re doing, I strongly reject the left shoving the madness down the throats of the entire country, particularly given the low-single-digit percentage of Americans who participate in the mental health epidemic of so-called “transgenderism.”

And when left-wing politicians — including the woefully clueless Joe Biden — support so-called “trans” athletes beating the hell out female athletes in women’s sports, much less the irreversible mutilation (see: double mastectomies and castrations) of confused young children, it’s time to rise up and put an end to the immoral madness.

Now, let’s get on with Nike’s latest idiotic move.

As reported by Fox News, Nike doubled down on its decision to use “transgender influencer” Mulvaney in marketing campaigns to promote the company’s female clothing line.

The response came amid calls for a boycott of the company shortly after Mulvaney appeared in paid social media content dancing in Nike women’s sportswear. (We’ll get to that “dancing,” in a minute.) In a pinned comment to Nike’s verified Instagram account, the company instructed customers to “Be kind, be inclusive … Encourage each other.”

You are an essential component to the success of your community! We welcome comments that contribute to a positive and constructive discussion: Be kind. Be inclusive. Encourage each other. Hate speech, bullying, or other behaviors that are not in the spirit of a diverse and inclusive community will be deleted.

Setting aside that the post reads like it was written to third-graders, here’s the translation: “Our way, or the highway.”

Former Fox News personality Jedediah Bila — an actual woman — hit the nail on the head:

Dylan Mulvaney is creating a caricature of what it means to be a woman. Women do not behave like this. This is insulting to actual women. I wouldn’t give Nike a dime of my money.

I’m no more a woman than Dylan Mulvaney, but if I saw a creature acting like that, no way. Just don’t do it.

No comment.

The Bottom Line

Accepting or being tolerant of the behavior of people capable of making their own decisions — decisions or lifestyles — with which we disagree is one thing. Corporations, public schools, and even the federal government attempting to force us to embrace those differences is a whole nother ballgame. And, incidentally, being told it’s not good enough to be not-racist, but that we must be proactively anti-racist is life on another planet, in my not-so-humble opinion.

Finally, also in my not-so-humble opinion, it’s one thing for decision-makers in large corporations to have opinions that are at odds with a majority of people who buy their products, but wholly ignorant for those decision-makers to foist their personal opinions on the public through “woke” advertising and such, to the tune of potentially losing billions of dollars in stock value, which is clearly at odds with the fiduciary responsibility of protecting shareholder investments.

Oh, I almost forgot. My latest pair of athletic shoes just arrived, last night! For real:

Wha’d’ya think?

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