Welcome to the RedState Weekly Briefing — where we take a quick look at the week’s most viewed stories in case you missed any of them. Grab a cup of coffee and sit down with this 21st Century Weekend Edition of your favorite (online) publication!

#1 – Trainwreck: Ratings Are in for Jan. 6 Committee Production — by Nick Arama
“Context: The evening newscasts on CBS, NBC & ABC average anywhere from 18 to 20 million viewers combined on a typical night,” Concha explained. “Those newscasts do not air in primetime. The January 6 hearings airing in primetime Thursday took in just 11+ million viewers on those three same networks.”
According to Newsbusters, “evening newscast audiences on any given night last week were 1.6 times larger than the total number of broadcast viewers who tuned into the hearings on Thursday.” Of course, one of the issues is that it wasn’t “new”; most people have seen most of it and it’s from a year-and-a-half ago. Not to mention that many don’t view it as a legitimate committee, but as a political show trial.

#2 – ‘Surprise Witness’ Called by J6 Committee Reveals Big Conflict for Liz Cheney — by Nick Arama
One of the witnesses is Bill Stepien, a former Trump campaign manager. But there’s also something else that’s important about Stepien. He’s currently advising Rep. Liz Cheney’s opponent, Harriet Hageman, in the Wyoming primary that will be held in August. They’re calling him after Cheney just had some very bad polling in her race. So voila, suddenly they need to call Stepien? Can we say concerning conflict here? If she grills him that’s a big problem, but even if she doesn’t, because she’s so prominent on the Committee, it’s a big issue.
It wasn’t going over well.

#3 – Biden Unleashed: Geriatric President Screams and Rants Uncontrollably While Addressing Union Members — Bonchie
READ RELATED: Reporters Just Nail Biden White House Over Baby Formula Crisis ‘Action’ Timeline Dodge and Weave
But what exactly does that entail? Because from where I sit, the only thing the Democrats are changing is how much money the poor and middle-class have in their bank accounts. Inflation and the market crash are destroying people’s economic freedom, and Biden wants to brag that he’s helping people? That kind of unwillingness to admit when you are wrong isn’t just infuriating, it’s outright dangerous when talking about the economic stability of the nation.
And speaking of arrogance, this next clip is just astonishing. And no, I’m not talking about the fact that he had a senior moment, forgetting the name of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve or that he doesn’t know the word “serious” exists. Well, maybe I’m talking a little about that.

#4 – Latest J6 Committee Revelations Are Likely to Do in the Dems — by Nick Arama
But what were they trying to adduce from him? Not anything about the riot, but what he told President Donald Trump about election results — that he told Trump there would be more votes coming in despite the fact Trump was leading the night of the election. Okay, so? What does that have to do with the riot? Answer: nothing. This raises again the question of what it is they are trying to achieve here if the witnesses they are calling have nothing to do with the riot.
It seems like the point of this is to attack Trump over his belief about the election. And so? If they want to go there, let’s talk about all the Democratic objections to the elections. Let’s talk about Hillary Clinton who still implies that Trump was an illegitimate president.

#5 – Joe Biden Makes Pathetic Threat to Oil Companies, Exxon-Mobil Drops Him in Response — by Bonchie
It’s not the weekend, so I’m not going to just start posting memes describing how idiotic Biden’s threat is, and to be frank, I think everyone reading this is smart enough to know. Joe Biden isn’t smart enough to know, but you are.
While the president apparently believes he’s a king, refining capacity doesn’t care about emergency powers. As CNBC notes, refineries are already running over 90 percent of capacity, and no new ones have been built in decades, largely because of stringent federal regulations and inconsistent energy policies. Who would invest in a new refinery when you’ve got one party saying they want to shut it down in five to ten years? Then there’s the fact that the White House has pushed refineries to make environmentally-unfriendly, engine-damaging biofuel as part of its “climate” agenda.