Did you know?

The largest organ in your body is the SKIN.

Skin is, therefore, an organ that you must pay a lot of attention to for its well-being. Healthy skin has nothing to do with the colour or type. Taking proper care and a little TLC can help you achieve the best results for your skin. 

Tanning; something that initially began as a remedy to treat some diseases related to bone defects and skin slowly garnered a lot of attention and emerged as a fashion trend. People began to spend money and looking at the market for such tanning processes, more and more technological improvements and advancements started happening. 

The History:

Tanning is basically the skin’s natural reaction on sun exposure.  For ages, there was an ideology that caused some people to perceive the colour of skin with their position in society. This meant people with lighter colour were assumed to be elite and did their level best to don umbrellas, bonnets, protective clothing to steer clear of any contact with the sun.  But, this started creating newer diseases associated with a lack of Vitamin D, Serotonin, Melatonin, etc.

These play vital roles in the well-functioning of our body as each of them has a definite role. Vitamin D is responsible for calcium absorption in the body. Its absence causes weak bones and diseases like rickets.

That being said, excessive exposure to the sun can cause serious damage to the skin and eyes. Since skin types tanning became a worldwide trend, people went to different lengths to alter their colour and in conclusion, caused some serious skin damage. 

Analyzing The Skin Types Tanning

Skin type

Skin type

The levels of tanning are dependent largely on the skin, better categorized as the Fitzpatrick skin phototype. This describes the skin on the amount of melanin pigment in the skin. This is responsible for imparting different colorations to the skin. Each of these skin types reacts differently when exposed to UV rays in the sunlight.

Type Sr. No. 

Skin Features

Effect of sunlight exposure

Type i Pale white skin Highly sensitive to UV exposure. Causes redness, burns, never tans naturally.
Type ii Fair skin More susceptible to burns than tanning
Type iii Fair to Beige The skin may freckle, tans after initially burning
Type iv Light Brown Easily tans,  may burn sometimes
Type v Brown skin Easy and heavy tanning. Hardly burns.
Type vi Dark brown  Profoundly tans, never burns. 

While there are many other factors like age, geography, family history, etc. the most prominent effect of tanning is due to the skin type. 

Knowing the type of skin you have is important from the medical point of view as people with type 1 and type 2 skin types are more susceptible to developing skin cancers or basal cell carcinoma which is due to over exposer of skin to the sun. This does not mean that people with skin type 3-6 will not face the issue. Anyone who has a history of skin cancer in their family must screen themselves. Moreover, regular checkups and the help of a good doctor can help keep nonmelanoma skin cancer at bay.

Must Read: How to Get Rid of Dark Circles Naturally?

What Not to do for Skin Type Tanning?

The American cancer society in its research found out that any common skin may also be susceptible to skin cancer and other disorders due to neglect and overexposure to UV rays.

Since tanning is a fashion trend for many, people take pride in tanning their skin. Tanned skin is like a suggestion of having enjoyed a summer holiday on tropical islands, an outdoor lifestyle, and fitness. This has created a huge demand for fake tans. 

People are extensively opting for tan sprays, tanning beds, indoor tanning, etc. Besides the chemical and technological alternative, many people burn themselves by sunbathing in their backyard. But, that’s not the right way to do it. Our skin is capable of absorbing vitamin D in only a certain proportion. And, due to global warming, the UV rays are more powerful than before. Only the mild sunshine in the early morning is helpful. Rest you are more likely to cause damage than any good to your skin.

So, here is a list of everything you must do to avoid any skin damage:

  • Embrace your skin complexion and tone. You are perfect with the skin tone you are born with. No external treatment will do any good.
  • Wear suitable sunscreen at all times when you are outdoors. Even if it is cloudy or windy, UV rays are present.
  • Use umbrellas or suitable clothing under the harsh sun.
  • Build a regular skincare routine accustomed to your skin type.
  • Drink enough water. It removes impurities and cleanses the skin internally by removing toxins.
  • Avoid using artificial creams and tanning methods. They will only cause damage to your skin sooner or later.
  • Do not neglect any damage you observe to your skin. It is better to be treated at the earliest.

Your skin is unique and you must take all the necessary measures to keep it healthy.

Must Read: Health and Nutrition Tips for a Healthy Lifestyle

Source: eNewsCafe

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