Stomach bloating affects most people at some point in their lifetime, according to the NHS. But you could avoid feeling bloated by simply cutting back on the amount of garlic in your diet, it’s been claimed.

Bloating can make the stomach feel swollen, hard, and it’s generally quite uncomfortable.

Your bloating pain may be caused by eating certain gassy foods, or by eating too fast or too much.

But, one of the best and easiest ways to limit your risk of bloating is to avoid eating garlic, it’s been revealed.

Garlic contains a type of fibre, known as fructans, that could trigger the condition, according to Medical News Today.

READ MORE: Stomach bloating – posture that could make trapped wind pain worse

“Even in small quantities, onions and garlic can cause bloating and other digestive issues.

“Some people may have an allergy to garlic or onions, which further increases the likelihood of bloating, belching, and gas after consuming them.”

If you often use garlic or onions in your cooking, you may want to consider swapping them for leeks or celery, it added.

Spices and herbs, including chives and basil, provide good replacements for garlic in cooking.

You could also feel bloated after eating cruciferous vegetables, including spinach and carrots, it added.

Cruciferous vegetables contain some indigestible nutrients that may lead to some bloating symptoms.

But you could lower your risk of developing trapped wind by cooking your cruciferous vegetables before eating them.

Your bloating pain could be caused by constipation, trapped wind , irritable bowel syndrome, or even by swallowing too much air.

Source: Daily Express

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