Sorry we’re late this week but we definitely couldn’t leave you without a plan for the week aheadby checking what the stars have in store!

Bossip Horoscopes

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert

We’re back with another week of astrological forecasts, courtesy of our favorite — Psychic Zya.

Astro Overview:

Baby we have just entered the season of love! Fresh off the Aries New Moon of April 1st which propels us to go after what we want with gusto… we have Pisces going into Venus on the 5th. And while this does happen every year, this year’s placement is super powerful as this planet of love forms positive connections across the other planetary placements. In fact its placement toward the end of the month conjoining with Jupiter and Neptune which are both in Pisces creates an amazing stellium (cluster of planets in the same sign. We will discuss this more over the next few weeks. In the meantime lets take a deep dive on your love life this week as this fiery water combo is the most potent time for love. Not to mention 2022 is the year of the healthy soulmate, the big inner child wounding lesson and the year of finding your Twin flame.

Bonus note: This is a spectacular time for reconnecting with old friends or family members anyone that you wish to rebuild an intimate connection with. And I’m sure we all have a few after two years of a heavily socially distanced pandemic.

Okay let’s see what’s shaking down for the cosmic collective!

Bossip Horoscopes

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert


Many Caps are caught either in a love triangle at the moment (the third party could be your job or family) that is pulling you away from your own alignment. This is especially true if the conflicts are causing to lose focus. This month full of Pisces vibes is tricky as it can cause us to turn blind eyes to red flags.

RED FLAG: Some of you have encountered a soul mate and they are worth fighting for, but some of you have met your final love lesson before your real love comes in. You need to sit and do deep intuitive meditations to be able decipher which is which.

SWEET SPOT: If you’re married and happy then note that this is the time to deepen the union – maybe a small anniversary ceremony or a once in a lifetime love bird trip.

Keep reading for more BOSSIP horoscopes!
