Protein-Packed Breakfast Boosts Focus Among Obese Women

Highlights: Protein-rich breakfast boosts satiety and enhances cognitive function in overweight…

Savor Strawberries Everyday to Keep Dementia at Bay

Krikorian, a professor emeritus in the UC College of Medicine’s Department of…

Runner’s High: How Can You Feel ‘Drunk Happy’ After An Intense Exercise?

The euphoric feeling that you feel right after a long run is…

Male Sexual Vitality And Cognitive Decline: Experts Decode The Link

Male Sexual Vitality And Cognitive Decline: Experts Decode The Link A new…

Strawberries: A Berry Good Solution to Cognitive Decline?

The 35 healthy men and women aged 66 to 78 took part…

6 Worst Drinks for Brain Health, Says Dietitian

This post contains affiliate links. If you use these links to buy…

7 Brain-Boosting Breakfast Foods To Eat for a Focused Day

There are so many foods that contain nutrients known to benefit the…

The #1 Best Supplement to Boost Motivation, New Study Suggests

If you’ve been lacking the get-up-and-go kind of gumption that you need…

8 Eating Habits To Slow Brain Aging, Says Nutritional Psychiatrist

As you grow older, moving into your 30s and 40s, your brain…

4 Brain-Healthy Foods This Neurologist Recommends to Patients

It’s natural for your brain to change over time as you get…

What Happens to Your Body When You Eat Blueberries Every Day

With their gorgeous blue hue and satisfyingly sweet taste, blueberries are one…

The One Nutrient You Are Probably Missing for Brain Health (and Foods That Have It)

Trying to keep your brain health in check is a no-brainer (pun…

The #1 Best Fruit To Keep Your Brain Young, Says Dietitian

It is no secret that our dietary choices can impact our brain…

4 Worst Drinking Habits To Have if Dementia Runs in Your Family, Says Dietitian

According to the Alzheimer’s Association, the number of new and existing cases…

The #1 Supplement to Reduce Dementia Risk, Nutritional Psychiatrist Says

If you could make a simple lifestyle change to reduce your risk…

The #1 Eating Habit to Avoid to Keep Your Brain Sharp, Says Dietitian

There are so many lifestyle factors that play roles in your brain…