How oil rig horror where five men died instantly after being suddenly decompressed unfolded

Oil rigs are critical for supplying the world with energy but working…

British children are now as fat as American kids – as experts warn of looming crisis with shocking eight in ten British adults obese of overweight by 2050

British children are the fattest in Europe—holding joint-first place with Germany in…

Britain loses faith in the NHS: Patients delay seeking care due to long wait times and lack of staff

Patients no longer have faith that the NHS will be there for…

Map reveals parts of the UK where 60% of children face losing teeth – as experts warn of oral health crisis

Almost two thirds of children have rotten teeth in some parts of…

The ultimate guide to cancer in Britain: Exclusive tool reveals type of disease you're likely to get depending on age, gender and location

England’s burgeoning cancer crisis was today laid bare in MailOnline’s dossier of…

Britain's filthiest supermarkets and corner shops named and shamed: Almost 300 fail hygiene ratings… so is YOURS one of them?

Major supermarkets including Sainsbury’s, Tesco, Morrisons, Lidl and Asda have failed hygiene inspections, MailOnline…

Scientists discover exactly how vaping can DESTROY the lungs

Scientists today hailed a breakthrough after discovering exactly how e-cigarettes can damage…

Under-50s bowel cancer epidemic exposed: Shock figures reveal the exact age group for whom rates are growing quickest

Bowel cancer rates are rising quickest among adults in their early 40s,…

Key change to the SKIN that's a little-known sign of hMPV, study reveals – as cases continue to spike

Scientists claim to have pinpointed a subtle sign of a flu-like virus that…

Flu EXPLOSION: Top nurses 'never been more worried for patients' as hospital cases spike five-fold amid 'busiest winter EVER'

England’s emergency services are battling their ‘busiest winter ever’ as flu cases…

Flu EXPLOSION: Shocking one in four adults who are sick have flu – double last year's rate… as terrifying 'quad-demic' surge engulfs Britain hospitalising thousands

One in four working-age adults in England suffering winter bugs have the…