Loud (and) Clear: Earphone Side Effects

Highlights: High volume use of earphones can lead to noise-induced hearing…

The 4 Warning Signs of Overexercising

Highlights: Overexercising can cause injuries, chronic fatigue, and mental health issues…

Is Your Coconut Water Contaminated? Shocking Truth About Mold Growth

Highlights: Moldy coconut water can trigger allergies, respiratory problems, and poisoning…

Ketchup Problem: Are You Consuming 20 Kg of Hidden Sugar Each Year?

Highlights: Hidden sugars in condiments pose health risks like obesity and…

The Risks of Reheating: Foods That Shouldn't Get a Second Round

Highlights: Not all foods are safe to reheat; rice, potatoes, and…

The Toll of Midnight Slumber: Understanding the Effects of Late-Night Sleep

Highlights: Late-night sleep disrupts natural circadian rhythms, leading to adverse health…

Drinking Directly from Cans may Pose Health Risk

Wondering why? While we may relish the act of cracking open a…

Unveiling The Health Risks Of Ingesting Microplastics: Who Is More Vulnerable?

Mostly children, pregnant women, and individuals with compromised health conditions are particularly…

Can Consanguineous Marriages Cause Genetic Diseases Or Birth Abnormalities? Doctor Explains

Can Consanguineous Marriages Cause Genetic Diseases Or Birth Abnormalities? Doctor Explains There…