How Long Work Hours Affect Health and Longevity

Long working hours (>40 hrs/week) may seem like a sign of commitment,…

Are You Addicted to Work? How to Spot and Overcome Workaholism

Highlights: Many people are struggling with workaholism, unable to disconnect from…

Five Lifestyle Changes You Need to Make to Live Healthier

Highlights: Eat three balanced meals daily to maintain energy and overall…

Sleeping Past 1 a.m. Linked to Poor Mental Health Outcomes

Highlights: Later bedtimes can reduce REM sleep, affecting mood regulation …

Top 5 Tips to Keep Your Child Healthy as School Begins

Highlights: Ensure balanced meals, sufficient sleep, and regular exercise Schedule…

What Happens When You Wake Up Early?

Highlights: Increased productivity and focus in the early morning hours …

Cycling to Work: A Prescription for Better Mental Health

Highlights: Cycling to work is linked to 15% fewer prescriptions for…

Caffeine Addiction: Symptoms, Effects, and Coping Strategies

Highlights: Caffeine addiction, affecting 80% of Americans, involves excessive and harmful…

New Year Resolution Plan for Healthy Mind and Body

Highlights: Kick start this new year with healthy resolutions for both…

Health Secrets of Skipping for Maintaining Fitness Levels

Beyond being a fashion statement, a flat belly signifies heart health. Skipping…

Weekend podcast: what’s happened to The Crown? Surviving a shipwreck, how Aldi and Lidl changed British shoppers, and Philippa Perry on loneliness

How The Crown went from prestige drama to TV disaster (1m26s); what…

How to Respond to Relatives Who Feel the Need to Comment on Your Food and Body

You can also be more direct, she says, and go with something…

How Having a Sister Can Boost Your Well-being

revealed that sisters possess an extraordinary ability to shield their siblings from…

Ariana Madix on What It’s Like to Have an Eating Disorder on Reality TV

Today, Madix is back on air—serving sambas instead of palomas. Her all-black…

Britney Spears Says Being ‘Watched From Every Corner’ Fueled Her Postpartum Depression

Being a new parent is a massive adjustment—even if you have the…

Yoga Asanas to Combat Stress and Anxiety

Anxiety has become a prevalent problem in today’s fast-paced environment,…

How to Be Happy for Your Friend, Even When You’re a Little Jealous

One of the most basic friendship duties is rooting for your bestie.…

Seasonal Affective Disorder: Know The 5 Things People Usually Struggle With is India’s fastest growing health information site with a team of…

Mental Health: How To Stop Overthinking?

Tips To Stop Yourself From Overthinking Do you ever drift into a…

Depression May Affect People’s Appetite: Let Us Understand How

Depression May Affect People’s Appetite: Let Us Understand How Changes in a…