Do Chili Peppers Increase Obesity Risk?

Highlights: Capsaicin in chili peppers may boost metabolism and burn calories…

Warning to men with beer bellies as scientists find protruding gut may raise the risk of dementia

Beer bellies may cause brain aging and reduced cognition in middle-aged men,…

Protein-Packed Breakfast Boosts Focus Among Obese Women

Highlights: Protein-rich breakfast boosts satiety and enhances cognitive function in overweight…

Lifestyle Choices Impact Your Sperm and Fertility

Embarking on the journey to parenthood is an exhilarating chapter in many…

Early Dinners Can Improve Your Health

and weight is to eat your meal (without snacking!) at least 2…

Hypertension, Obesity And Other Risk Factors For Flat Feet

There are various factors that can contribute to developing flat feet. Obese…

Osteoarthritis Will Affect Nearly 1 Billion People By 2050: Beware Of The Risk Factors

More women than men are affected by osteoarthritis Three main factors driving…

Morbid Obesity: What Are The Things To Check Before Bariatric Surgery?

Bariatric surgery can transform the lives of people grappling with morbid obesity,…

Tired All the Time? Common Causes of Chronic Fatigue

Even though sleep time should be tailored to the person, adults should…

Weight Loss Medication ‘Wegovy’ Could Prevent Up To 1.5 Mn Heart Attacks And Strokes: US Study

Always discuss the risks and benefits of such weight loss therapies with…

4 Steps To Develop Healthy Habits For Sustainable Fat Loss

To develop habits, you have to set goals first. Overweight or obesity…

Obese With Normal Weight: Body Fat Percentage Is The Actual Measure For Obesity!

You can have a normal weight and still be obese Body fat…

Is It Safe For Obese Children To Get Bariatric Surgery? Explains Dr Sukhvinder Singh Saggu

Is It Safe For Obese Children To Get Bariatric Surgery? Explains Dr…

How Is Diabesity Gradually Becoming The New Epidemic? Explains Dr Singal

Although not everyone with obesity may be prone to diabetes, the risk…

Unhealthy Eating as a Student Can Lead to a Lifetime of Illness

Dr. Joan Bottorff, Professor of Nursing at UBCO, is one of several…

Gastric Balloon For Weight Loss: Benefits, Procedure & Side Effects

Gastric balloon surgery carries fewer risks and complications compared to invasive surgeries.…

Obesity Makes An Individual More Likely To Develop Diabetes; Here’s Why

Individuals can lower their chance of acquiring diabetes by making minor adjustments…

Benefits Of Gastric Plication Surgery, A Reversible Bariatric Surgery

One needs to maintain an optimum weight to stay healthy Gastric plication,…

Early-bird special: could eating your dinner at 5pm help you lose weight?

Early-bird special: could eating your dinner at 5pm help you lose weight?…

Do You Really Need to Care About Your Daily Sugar Intake?

The good news is that these sources of added sugar are not…