Briana became obese through no fault of her own… and there's millions just like her

Briana Adesso eats healthy and lives an active lifestyle, so when she…

JD Vance makes last-minute intervention after cousin was denied heart transplant because she is unvaccinated

Vice President JD Vance has vowed to help his relative get a heart…

Cocaine overdoses spike as map reveals hotspots… and why Trump has a problem in his backyard

Cocaine overdoses are on the rise across America, even while the rate of…

Family of JD Vance beg VP and Trump to step in as doctors 'deny 12-year-old girl heart transplant for sickening reason'

A family related to JD Vance is calling on the Vice President and…

Major chocolate recall upgraded to highest risk level amid fears of 'adverse health consequences or death'

The FDA has urgently upgraded the risk level of some of the…

Study of dozens of identical twins reveals shocking effect bad diet and divorce has on your face

Shocking images of identical twins who live very different lives, reveal the damaging…

Top doctors reveal things they'd never let their kids do- including wearing contacts and going to sleepovers

Top doctors have revealed the everyday things they would never let their…

Doctors worried over sudden surge of rib-cracking lung diseases as they reach 13-year high

Highly contagious whooping cough has surged to levels in the US not…

New York medics report epidemic of 'scromiting' – a reaction to cannabis that causes such severe symptoms it puts people in hospital

US medics have seen a surge in chronic cannabis users experiencing a…

Americans 'left paralyzed by mandated Covid vaccine' now abandoned and branded anti-vaxxers

Danielle Baker, 45, received her Covid vaccine in 2021 after being mandated…

Immigrants twice as likely to develop severe mental disorders, study suggests

Immigrants may be at a higher risk of developing severe mental health…

Urgent warning not to drive in the sun after teen's eye 'explodes like a grape' in car crash

A teen’s eye ‘exploded like a grape’ in a car crash when…

Meet the people suing Ozempic maker for wrecking their bodies: 'I will never eat solid food again'

Hundreds of Americans have jumped on a multi-state lawsuit alleging that the…

Woman, 29, with 'worst case' of rare condition 'doctors have seen' travels 4,000 miles for surgery

A 29-year-old from Ohio with a rare medical condition that left her…

Top eye doctor reveals the surprising reason you shouldn't wear fake lashes

Haley Dean, a Nashville hairstylist and mother, said for years that getting…

We became 'asexual' after taking antidepressants for just a few WEEKS – now our genitals have shrunk and we're worried we'll never have sex again

Patients left sexless, joyless and infertile after taking antidepressants are speaking out…

Now experts warn climate change could unleash cascade of deadly viruses, fungi and flesh-eating bacteria – 'causing absolute chaos for the world'

Climate change could lead to a surge of viruses and the re-emergence…

Disney health scare: Officials warn of potential measles outbreak linked to Disney On Ice show in Ohio

Ohio health officials issued a warning to attendees at a Disney on Ice…

Massachusetts man, 37, whose face was ravaged by a pet dog has incredible transformation after surgery

A man whose face was ravaged by a dog has had it…

Sneezing already? Doctors are seeing 'unusually' high levels of patients with severe allergies BEFORE spring – as they explain why symptoms may feel worse this year

If you’ve been sneezing more than usual and feel like your allergies…