HPV jab HALVES rates of head and neck cancer in young men, as new research finds the vaccine given to 12 and13-year-old girls could prevent thousands of male cancer cases

The HPV vaccine is set to prevent thousands of head and neck…

Abortions surge past record 250,000 in a single year, with experts blaming cost of living crisis forcing women to terminate pregnancies 'for purely financial reasons'

A record 252,122 abortions were recorded in England and Wales in 2022,…

Faster, cheaper scan for prostate cancer on the way as experts say new test could mean thousands more men are tested every year

Waiting times for prostate cancer are set to be slashed after scientists…

The 12 surprising signs you could be deficient in vitamins, from cracked lips to a low sex drive

You are what you eat, as the saying goes. So if you’re…

How bereaved families are left feeling ambushed after death of loved ones following organ donation law change – and as a result transplants are FALLING

It was a landmark change in the law, designed to revolutionise organ…

Fewer transplants are taking place and waiting times have grown… So has the drive to make us all organ donors unless we opt out worsened the crisis?

It was a landmark change in the law, designed to revolutionise organ…

My three-year-old daughter has a rare eating disorder which means she eats glass and furniture, I bought a new sofa and she took chunks from it

A helpless mother-of-two has revealed how her daughter suffers from a rare…

I woke up sounding WELSH – but I've never been there: Mystery of English mother, 36, whose accent suddenly changed in her sleep

An English woman who woke up with a Welsh accent — despite…

Bone disease treatment delay will cost 1,400 women's lives, charity warns Chancellor

Around 1,400 women will die if Chancellor Jeremy Hunt fails to end…

Dentist reveals devastating effect nicotine replacement gums, pouches and vapes can have in warning to ex-smokers

Today, smokers around the UK are being encouraged to find out how…

Unprecedented' demand for abortions is leaving some women waiting 'too long' for terminations, with NHS officials warning some services could buckle

Surging demand for abortions is forcing some women to wait more than…

Major change to NHS dentist appointments as charges will rise by 4% within weeks (if you can get one, that is!)

NHS dental fees are being hiked by another 4 per cent in…

Outrage as thousands of breast cancer-stricken women in England are denied life-extending drug available in Scotland

Thousands of women with incurable breast cancer say they are being ‘robbed…

Uptake of shingles jab must rise, warn experts as shocking figures show less than half of all 71-year-olds have had it

The NHS must do more to tackle the low uptake of the…

My son died from an asthma attack and now I'm campaigning to make inhalers free in England – people shouldn't have to 'pay to breathe'

A mother who lost her son to an asthma attack is campaigning…

EDZARD ERNST: World-renowned expert on alternative medicine warns anti-vaxx nonsense risks fuelling measles crisis

Professor Edzard Ernst, chair of complementary medicine at the University of Exeter…

Anger as top Tory MP and mum of three Miriam Cates calls for surrogate baby ban, controversially comparing practice to taking a puppy from its mother

A Tory MP has called for surrogacy to be outlawed and controversially…

Medics are told NOT to report women suspected of having had an illegal abortion to police

Medics should not report women believed to have illegally ended their pregnancy,…

Warning over surge in killer ketamine: Leading drugs expert IAN HAMILTON predicts use of 'special K' party drug will spiral in 2024 amid endorsements from like of Elon Musk – as he reveals cocaine is 'stronger and cheaper than ever'

It was a popular party drug in the late 1990s, commonly taken…

Is YOUR prescription at risk of running out? As pharmacists warn of stocks running low, the definitive guide to the drugs affected

Pharmacists have warned that a shortage of common medicines is placing patients…