How do you make exercise as enjoyable as possible?

Tell us: how do you make exercise enjoyable?

We would like to hear about how the ways you keep fitness fun

For even the most avid exercise addicts among us, there are some days when you just don’t want to do it. It feels like pure drudgery, a chore that you can’t help but put off. This need not be the case: there are so many ways that fitness can bring sheer endorphin-inducing joy, it doesn’t have to be a dull, repetitive, lonely affair.

How do you make exercise as enjoyable as possible? Perhaps you have rediscovered team sports as an adult, or taken up a dance class that leaves you ecstatic. Is it the company of a furry friend that makes running more than tolerable, or listening to a playlist of banging tunes? Or is it the sense of community you have around your regime, in real life or on apps, that keeps you coming back for more?

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You can tell us how you keep your fitness routine interesting using the form below.

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Share your experience

You can tell us how you keep your fitness routine interesting using the form below.

Please share your story if you are 18 or over, anonymously if you wish. For more information please see our terms of service and privacy policy.
Your responses, which can be anonymous, are secure as the form is encrypted and only the Guardian has access to your contributions. We will only use the data you provide us for the purpose of the feature and we will delete any personal data when we no longer require it for this purpose. For true anonymity please use our SecureDrop service instead.

Source: Health & wellbeing | The Guardian

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