“Some smoothies can be extremely nutritious, with lots of nutrients from fruit, nuts, nut butters, and seeds…however, even though these are packed with nutrients, the calories, carbohydrates and fat content can really rack up and be hindering an individual’s ability to lose weight. 

“However, a smoothie with a controlled portion of high-fibre fruit, some protein and a small portion of healthy fats (eg chia seeds or a handful of nuts) can be a very balanced and weight-loss friendly snack or breakfast option.”

Rachel also commented on diet drinks: “Diet drinks can be a good alternative option for individuals that consume large quantities of sugar-sweetened beverages (eg fizzy drinks) and would like to slowly reduce their consumption. 

“However, diet drinks are sweetened with some artificial sweeteners which can be harmful to gut health in the long term, therefore over-consuming diet drinks would not be recommended.”

Source: Daily Express | Diet