There was no shortage of circumstantial evidence that pointed to Casey Anthony having had at least something to do with her daughter’s death and disappearance -– 500 pages’ worth, according to ABC News. There was a diary entry in which she supposedly wrote about murdering her daughter, there was duct tape found in the Anthony home that bore similarities to the duct tape found near Caylee’s body, etc.
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However, when it came to actual physical evidence, the State of Florida simply failed to provide enough to convince jurors of her guilt, as one juror, identified as Jennifer Ford said via a companion ABC News report. “There was not enough evidence,” she said.
However, Ford added that she was not and is not convinced that Casey is blameless. “I did not say she was innocent,” she said. Similarly, Yale Galanter, who had worked as a defense attorney, noted that the evidence against Casey, despite her innocence or guilt in the court of public opinion, simply wasn’t there. “The issue is there was absolutely no evidence linking her to the death. None,” Galanter told The Florida Times-Union.