As Steven Stayner got older, Kenneth Parnell began planning to kidnap another, younger, boy. As reported by The Famous People, Parnell dated a woman named Barbara Mathias for a period of time. In addition to participating in the abuse of Stayner, she attempted to help Parnell kidnap a boy who was a member of the Santa Rosa Boys’ Club. Thankfully, they were unable to follow through with the kidnapping attempt.

On several occasions, Parnell encouraged Stayner to help him lure another boy into the home. However, Crime Investigation reports Stayner sabotaged Parnell’s efforts, as he did not want another boy to suffer through the abuse he had endured. Unfortunately, Parnell eventually convinced another teenage boy, named Randall Sean Poorman, to help him kidnap 5-year-old Timothy White.

Stayner was terribly concerned about White’s welfare and immediately began planning to get the 5-year-old away from Parnell and return him home to his parents. As Parnell was working the night shift, Stayner fled the home with White in the middle of the night. 

According to Crime Investigation, the boys hitchhiked more than 40 miles to reach Ukiah, California, where White was abducted from. However, Timothy could not remember his address, so Stayner took him to a police station instead. Although Stayner told the younger boy to go inside by himself and tell the officers he had been kidnapped, White refused to leave Stayner’s side.
