One thing is becoming increasingly clear: Only Donald Trump can do to Donald Trump what the Republican establishment could not: bring an end to the former president’s political career. The curious part is Trump is his own worst enemy, even while trying to score points against his adversaries — real or imagined.

Given that we’ve covered Trump’s latest missteps thoroughly — from sophomorically calling Ron DeSantis “Ron DeSanctimonious” to his ill-advised very public Mar-a-Lago dinner with anti-Semitic mogul Kanye West and white nationalist Holocaust denier Nick Fuente, to most recently declaring the release of internal Twitter documents that showed the Democrat Party pressured Twitter to suppress Hunter Biden news “allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution” — I’m not going to cover them in detail.

What I am going to cover is Trump’s latest attack against Fox News and the comments he made against the one news outlet at which several hosts and untold numbers of guests defend everything he does or says. And as is usually the case when Trump goes on the attack, he included personal attacks, as well.

After pointing out a drop in overall news network viewership, Trump included Fox in his diatribe against “fake news,” as transcribed by BizPac Review (emphasis, mine):

Wow!!! So while Trump Hating CNN & MSNBC (MSDNC!) RATINGS are both at record lows. Numbers that they have never seen before (‘they’re toast’), Fox News Ratings are also way down because they never say ‘Trump’ or TRUTH, never talk about the Rigged Presidential Election, and is a Fake Polling Network. Our giant MAGA base, much bigger than anyone knows, does not like watching Fox play their games. Their Ratings will continue to sink. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

Hang on a sec, Donald. I don’t know what “way down” means, here, but Nielsen found that Fox News dominated cable ratings in 2022 for the seventh consecutive year, and while ratings were down for all news outlets, Fox was on down just one percent. I’d call that insignificant,  given that the network averages 2.33 million viewers per night in primetime.

Finally, Trump wished “everyone” a Happy New Year, Trump-style:

HAPPY NEW YEAR to all of the Radical Left Democrats, Marxist Lunatics, China loving Coco Chow and her Obedient Husband, Mitch, and Clueless RINOS, who are working so hard to DESTROY our once great Country.

More importantly, HAPPY NEW YEAR to the Incredible, Brave, and Strong American Patriots who Built, Love, and Cherish America. The REAL leaders of our Country will always remain FAITHFUL and LOYAL to you. The USA will be back, Bigger & Better & Stronger than ever before. GOD BLESS YOU ALL!

Clarification: The accepted definition of “RINO” — Republican in name only — applies to GOP lawmakers who tend to side with Democrats on the issues. But Trump’s revised definition is used as an epithet against all Republicans, including constitutional conservatives, who refuse to walk lockstep with the former president and defend everything he does and says.

Anyway, I hope Fox News can survive, at least through the 2024 general election, without changing its name to Trump News Network — with all Trump news positive.

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