For those of you who celebrate whatever you’re told each month, you’ve no doubt indulged in March merrymaking over Americans with ovaries — after all, it’s Women’s History Month.

But at a southern college, they’ve revised the observance.

Rather than hailing women, ladies, girls, mothers, sisters, chicks or hens, Georgia State University is clucking a more modern melody. As noted by Campus Reform, the school’s theme this year is “In Our Gardens: Celebrating Womxn Past, Present, and Future.”

The adjustment is eminently more inclusive — now all identifying as female can bask in the light.

Amid such updated illumination, GSU’s relishing the “Inspiration, Impact and Influence” of those who’ve made herstory.

From the school’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion apparatus:

Georgia State University centers and departments are commemorating Womxn’s HERStory Month during March, designated in the U.S. officially as Women’s History Month, alongside International Women’s Day on March 8.

A sampling from four weeks of festivities:

  • March 4: In Our Gardens: Womxn’s HERStory Month Kickoff Gallery Installation
  • March 24: TRANScending Athletics
  • March 25: C2 presents the WOC (Womxn of Color) Nation Brunch: Celebrating Womxn of Color
  • March 30: Celebrating 50 Years of Title IX: How Far We Have Come and How Far We Have to Go:
  • March 31: Queer Destress Fest

TRANScending Athletics will offer the 411 on making sports fair:

Join us for a critical event to discuss the intersection of trans identity and sports. We will discuss affirming trans identity, how trans athletes can navigate their lives within a sport, and how to make sure that the playing field is fair for all athletes. A panel discussion highlighting and informing students on the current state of laws, legislation and discourse surrounding transgender athletes.

Apropos of Title IX, womxn aren’t the past, but they’re positively the present:

As for the future, they’re likely that, too:

“Women’s History” used to denote a certain succession: In the beginning, American gentlemen outclassed ladies in the social sphere; in 1920, the 19th Amendment let citizens with cervixes vote; in the 60s, feminists fought for more equal footing.

Now, none of that any longer applies: One may identify as man or woman at will. Insert such into 1920, and ambisexual suffrage needn’t be attained. Come to think of it, the same is true today — we could abolish the 19th amendment and simply consider all Americans male.

Maybe then, there’d be a Mxn’s History Month.

Regardless, for the time being, it’s a womxn’s world:

Biological Male Identifying as Woman Wins Miss Nevada

Reporter: ‘Biological Males’ Is a ‘Serious Anti-Trans Slur’

The Emmys Nominates Its First Biological Male for Best ‘Lead Actress’

For International Women’s Day, a Vagina Museum Celebrates Biological Males and ‘Gay Vikings’

Stay tuned for the making of even more Womxn’s History.

And to all you womxn out there, GSU wants you to know you’re seen, supplemented, and inclusively in the club:

The term “womxn” is used by the [Cultures, Communities & Inclusion/Multicultural Center] as an inclusive term and spelling to validate individuals whose experiences exist beyond social norms of womanhood. With the inclusion of the Multicultural Center’s use of the spelling “womxn,” the Center aims to amplify the identities and experiences of women of color, transgender individuals, and individuals who are non-binary/non-conforming.


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Find all my RedState work here.

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