There once existed a saying in America, based on the claim of a fast food commercial: “This isn’t Burger King; you don’t get it your way.”

For those who missed 1974:

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The King may have ditched his slogan, but public education has increasingly adopted it. These days, teachers have been dethroned; students are substantially ruling the academic roost.

Apropos of a power shift, the University of New Mexico has amended its procedural guide to accommodate the self-identification of attendees.

Via the school website, UNM exalts inclusion:

Administrative Policies and Procedures Manual – Policy 2720: Prohibited Discrimination and Equal Opportunity (Interim)

The University of New Mexico is committed to providing a safe and inclusive environment that draws on the diversity of its members. The University prohibits discrimination, harassment, or related retaliation based on protected class (as defined in Section 2) in any educational and work environment. It is critical to this commitment that anyone who experiences, witnesses, or is aware of such discrimination, harassment, or retaliation report the behavior…

“The University adheres to all federal and state civil rights laws and regulations prohibiting discrimination,” the college declares. “UNM does not discriminate against any applicant, employee, or student based on protected category.”

That attitude of respect extends to preferred pronouns:

The University is committed to fostering an environment of inclusiveness that respects an individual’s preferred form of self-identification, including a name other than a legal first name and the pronoun that aligns with their gender identity.

Make no mistake — the “University is committed to inclusive excellence and diversity.”

The guide goes on to define terms, which are similar to some illustrated by the college-incorporated “Genderbread Person“:

  • “Affirmed pronoun” means a pronoun that a person chooses to use or have used for self-identification (e.g., she, her, hers, he, him, his, ze, they).
  • “Gender identity” means one’s internal sense of gender identity, which may be different than the assigned sex at birth.
  • “Gender expression” means gender characteristics or gender identity that may or may not conform to gender stereotypes about masculinity or femininity.

The handbook devotes an entire section to gender identity:

Individuals shall not be required to obtain a court-ordered name change before being addressed by the first name and pronoun that corresponds to their gender identity. The University is committed to using preferred or affirmed names and pronouns wherever possible in the course of University business and education.

Members of the University community are expected to make reasonable efforts to address individuals by a pronoun corresponding to their gender identity upon request. Individuals may not be subjected to unwelcome questions or invasive requests for documentation related to their gender identity.

Repeated failure to adhere to protocol will see consequences accrued:

The intentional or persistent refusal to respect a preferred or affirmed name or pronoun can constitute discrimination or harassment that is a violation of this policy.

We’re living in a time of unprecedented complexity. Until recently, Americans only possessed a sex. “Gender” was but a grammatical term, and self-perception was irrelevant to all but oneself. Institutions have now instructed us to acknowledge additional layers of identity. Furthermore, we’ve been told to adopt those of others in addition to conceits of our own.

It’s a new national way of life:

University Orders Adherence to Preferred Pronouns and Made-Up Monikers, Threatens ‘Action’ Regardless of ‘Intent’

University Directs Students to ‘Practice With Pronouns,’ and It Highlights Our Stunning Sophistication

Christian Church Leads Prayer to the ‘God of Pronouns,’ the ‘Great They/Them’ Who Breastfeeds

Utah Public University’s ‘Inclusive Style Guide’ Forbids Students to Say ‘Biologically Male/Female’

Iconic Doll Company Tells Children They May Need to Take Puberty Blockers

Ivy League University Will Give Transgender Students ‘Tucking Tape’

In addition to demanding certain speech, the policy guarantees freedom:

Freedom of Speech and First Amendment Protection

This policy is not intended to inhibit or restrict free speech or the expression of ideas. In cases of alleged harassment or discrimination, the protections of the First Amendment must be considered if issues of speech or expression are involved.

Speaking of liberation, 2720 talks toilets:

This policy prohibits gender-based discrimination, including discrimination based on gender-identity or expression, and affirms the right of individuals to use the gender-specific facilities consistent with their gender identity.

It’s a new day. And for those who don’t want to conform to contemporary culture’s orthodoxy: This isn’t Burger King; you don’t get it your way.


See more content from me:

Columbia University Women’s Film Festival Only Makes White People Pay

Utah Public University’s ‘Inclusive Style Guide’ Forbids Students to Say ‘Biologically Male/Female’

REPORT: BYU ‘Human Development’ Course Features the ‘Genderbread Person,’ Says Jesus Was ‘Not Masculine’

Find all my RedState work here.

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