Pennsylvania Sen. John Fetterman remains hospitalized at George Washington University Hospital Thursday night and is “being monitored with an EEG for signs of seizure,” according to a statement released by his office. According to both the statement and Gisele Fetterman, results of Fetterman’s MRI and “all of the other tests the doctors ran” showed no sign of a stroke or a seizure.

Fetterman was taken to the hospital by a staffer Wednesday evening after he felt lightheaded during a Democratic Senate retreat in Washington, D.C., an event that was barely covered by the mainstream media, probably because it might show that the concerns about Fetterman’s health expressed by Republicans (and even some people who aren’t Republicans) were well-founded.

There was an awkward moment during Tuesday night’s State of the Union address when the camera cut to Fetterman as Joe Biden discussed families facing hardships when one spouse has a medical problem.

Giselle Fetterman was active on her Twitter account, thanking people for the support shown, and joking that one of her kids thought that the canned iced coffee she was drinking at 7 a.m. was a White Claw.

Given Gisele Fetterman’s track record when discussing her husband’s health, it’s doubtful that we’ll get “straight talk” about his condition any time soon.

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