Dr Michael Mosley, inventor of the 5:2 diet plan, often speaks about the benefits of intermittent fasting both online and on television. The expert has shared how the plan is beneficial for weight loss.

Dr Mosley added: “We are often told that eating a good breakfast is a simple way to control your weight.

“That if you skip breakfast, then you will get hungry later in the day and snack on high calorie junk food.

“That eating breakfast revs up your metabolism, preparing you for the day. It seems a plausible suggestion but is it true?

“To test this idea, researchers got 300 overweight volunteers and asked those who normally skip breakfast to eat breakfast, while those who routinely ate breakfast were asked to skip it.”

“You simply ensure that for at least 12 hours within each 24 hour period, you do not consume any calories. 

“Some people prefer to shorten their eating window further, to 10 or even just eight hours, although recent research shows that a 12 hour period away from food is good enough time to give your body significant benefits.

“For many, a midday breakfast helps to extend the period of non-eating and so draws down on the full benefits of fasting.”

This means that slimmers can eat more later in the day while still following the intermittent fasting plan.

However, for others, who may have an early start, eating dinner earlier may also be another good option.

The expert said: “I encourage people to try and have their evening meal earlier, say 7-7:30pm.

“Try and stop eating by 8pm, and then not eat anything with calories after that.”

In addition to calorie restriction, those looking to lose weight must also take into consideration the time they eat food.

Source: Daily Express | Diet