“Walking up and down your stairs will provide a great cardio session and if you live in a flat or bungalow, simply march on the spot while you’re watching your favourite TV programme,” Dean recommended.
“Remember, wherever you do them, every step moves you closer to your weight loss and fitness goals.”
Monitoring what you eat and drink is also key to weight loss – and Dean has tips to help with this, too.
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“An obvious but often undervalued tactic is to rid your kitchen of any sugary treats so you won’t be tempted to polish them off in a fit of anger or sadness,” he explained.
“You know what they say, ‘A moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips’, so start by being more considered in your supermarket purchasing behaviours so you don’t have so many temptations around you.”
The PT continued: “Another tip I have is called the N.E.A.T. Trick – Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis. It is a term used to describe everyday movements such as walking, standing, carrying and even fidgeting.
Source: Daily Express | Diet